The University of Bamenda Programmes

General University Admission Requirements

• GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence.
• GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects or its Equivalence
NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at “Ordinary Level” and “Probatoire” are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test organized by The University of Bamenda.

Undergraduate Admission Notice

Students without Ordinary Level Mathematics can still apply for admission in the various undergraduate programs available online. They will be admitted in case they meet up with their choice program's requirement but will be required to take a remedial Mathematics course.

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Agribusiness Technology..ABTBachelor Degree Program4 yearsEntry by competitive entrance exam. At least 04 papers at GCE O/L including Mathematics and at least 02 papers in one sitting at A/L in Economics/Geography and Mathematics; OR Probatoire and Baccalauréat C, D or F4; For Candidates with technical background, a pass in “Probatoire” and “Baccalauréat de Brevet de Technicien” in related fields (Home Economics, Crop Production, Animal Production etc). FEES STRUCTURE/YEAR: 50,000Frs2025-04-01Apply Now
Agricultural and Environmental EngineeringAEEPBachelor Degree Program4 yearsCOLTECH is open to all those who have sat and have been successful in the 4-GCE O/L subjects including Mathematics and At least two(02) papers in one sitting at GCE A/L subjects including Economics/Geography and Mathematics . All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Probatoire and Baccalaureat C, D or F4. For Candidates with technical background, a pass in "Probatoire" and "Baccalaureat de Brevey Technicien" in related fields. Candidates will be selected based on annual competitive examinations with a predefined number of places for each programme.2025-04-01Apply Now
Animal Production Technology. APTBachelor Degree Program4 yearsEntry by competitive entrance exam. Fees:50,000FRS.2025-04-01Apply Now
BSc. in Forestry and Wildlife TechnologyFWTBachelor Degree Program4 yearsCompetitive entrance examination Fees: 50,000frs2025-04-01Apply Now
B.Tech in Computer Networks and Systems MaintenanceCNSMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCompetitive entrance examination Fees: 50,000frs2025-04-01Apply Now
BSc. Crop Production Technology CPTBachelor Degree Program4 yearsEntry by competitive entrance exam. At least 04 papers at GCE O/L and at least 02 papers in one sitting at A/L in the Sciences; OR Probatoire and Baccalauréat C, D or F4; For Candidates with technical background, a pass in “Probatoire” and “Baccalauréat de Brevet de Technicien” in related fields (Home Economics, Crop Production, Animal Production etc). . Fees: 50,000FRS.2025-04-01Apply Now
MSc. in Crop Production Technology - AgronomyCPTMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000frs 2025-04-01Apply Now
BTech in Renewable Energy EngineeringBTECH-REEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsUniversity Diploma of Technology UDT in Renewable Energy Engineering2025-04-01Apply Now
MSc Nutrition, Food and Bioresource Technology (Option: Nutritional Science)NSCMaster Degree Program2 yearsFirst or Second Class Upper Honours degree in Food Science and Technology or related area to degree program in view. GPA of at least 2.5 or GPA of at least 2.0 with at least 3-year working experience may be considered. GPA of 2.0 may be accepted for the professional programs. Depending on the candidate background and desired specialty, the Departmental Post Graduate Committee may, Subject to the approval of the College Post Graduate Board, prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of registration of the candidate. A recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor who shall be any person satisfying the PG School criteria to supervise M.Sc. Thesis. In addition, decisions on eligibility will be taken by the Departmental Post Graduate Committee subject to approval by the College Post Graduate Board, the Post Graduate School and Senate of The University of Bamenda. 2025-04-01Apply Now
BSc in Food Science and TechnologyFSTBachelor Degree Program4 yearsCompetitive entrance examination Fees: 50,000FRS. 2025-04-01Apply Now
MSc. Nutrition, Food and Bioresource Technology(Option: Food and Bioresource Technology)FBTMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in Food Science and Technology or a related area. Tuition: 50,000FRS2025-04-01Apply Now
MSc Food Science and Human NutritionFSHNMaster Degree Program2 yearsFirst or Second Class Upper Honours degree in Food Science and Technology or related area to degree program in view. GPA of at least 2.5 or GPA of at least 2.0 with at least 3-year working experience may be considered. GPA of 2.0 may be accepted for the professional programs. Depending on the candidate background and desired specialty, the Departmental Post Graduate Committee may, Subject to the approval of the College Post Graduate Board, prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of registration of the candidate. A recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor who shall be any person satisfying the PG School criteria to supervise M.Sc. Thesis. In addition, decisions on eligibility will be taken by the Departmental Post Graduate Committee subject to approval by the College Post Graduate Board, the Post Graduate School and Senate of The University of Bamenda. 2025-02-27
Not Available
MSc Agribusiness Project ManagementABPMMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Economics, Management, marketing, Geography or Mathematics. Fees: 50.000FRS.2024-10-20
Not Available
MSc Animal Production TechnologyAPTMaster Degree Program2 yearsAtleast a BSc in Animal Production Technology2024-10-20
Not Available
MSc. Forest Resource Management - Forest EconomicsFRMMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-20
Not Available
MSc Agribusiness Marketing ManagementABMMMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Economics, Management, marketing, Geography or Mathematics. FEES/Year: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Agribusiness Project Management - One Year ConversionABPMMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Economics, Management, marketing, Geography or Mathematics FEES/YEAR 50,000 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Agribusiness Marketing Management - One Year ConversionABMMMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Economics, Management, marketing, Geography or Mathematics Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc Environmental EngineeringAEEPMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste Management, Water Resource Engineering, Water management or other related domains. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Environmental Engineering - One Year ConversionMEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees or Master of Engineering degrees in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste management, Water Resource Engineering, Water Management, Mechanical Engineering, Power Systems, Energy Resource Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Maintenance and Production engineering or equivalent professional certificates in related fields. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc in Biotechnology and Animal Science: Animal Nutrition and FeedingANFMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates FEES: 50,000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc in Biotechnology and Animal Science: Reproductive Physiology and Animal HealthRPHTMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Biotechnology and Animal Science: Animal Nutrition and Feeding - One Year ConversionANFMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees or equivalent professional certificates in Animal science, agriculture, zoological sciences or in related fields 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Wildlife Resource ManagementWLRMMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters degree in Forestry, Wildlife Management or a related area. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Forest Resource Management - SilvicultureFORMMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in Forestry management, Wildlife Management, biological sciences (zoology, botany) or any other related area. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc in Forest Resources ManagementFORMMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters degree in Forestry, Wildlife Management or a related area. FEES: 50,000CRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Wildlife Resources ManagementWLRMMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Crop Production Technology - Agronomy - One Year ConversionCPTMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees or equivalent professional certificates in agronomy, crop production, natural resources management, plant biotechnology and other related fields. fees: 50,000FRS.2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. Crop Production Technology - One Year conversionCPT-OYBachelor Degree Program1 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate FEES: 350,000 by study of files2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Nutritional Sciences - One Year ConversionMNSMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees, Master of Engineering degrees or equivalent professional certificates in related fields Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Food and Bioresource Technology - One Year ConversionFBTPhd Degree Program2 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees, Master of Engineering degrees or equivalent professional certificates in related fields Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Reproductive Physiology and Animal Health - One year ConversionRPAHBachelor Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees or equivalent professional certificates in Animal science, agriculture, zoological sciences or in related fields Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Master of Technology in Computer Engineering - Data ScienceMDSMaster Degree Program2 yearsHolder of a Bachelor Degree in the computer engineering, networking, software fields OR Mathematics with minor in Computer science FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Master of Technology in Computer Engineering - Information Technology and Cyber SecurityITCSMaster Degree Program2 yearsHolder of a Bachelor Degree in the computer engineering, networking, software fields OR Mathematics with minor in Computer science FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Master of Technology in Electrical Power EngineeringMEPEMaster Degree Program2 yearsHolder of a first class or upper second class bachelor’s degree in applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Renewable Energy, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field. OR holder of a lower second bachelors degree in any of the above fields + 2 years of work experience in a related field FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Master of Technology in Renewable Energy EngineeringMREEMaster Degree Program2 yearsHolder of a first class or upper second class bachelor’s degree in applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Renewable Energy, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field. OR holder of a lower second bachelors degree in any of the above fields + 2 years of work experience in a related field FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Agricultural Engineering - One Year ConversionAEEBachelor Degree Program1 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate Fees: 350,000 by study of files 2024-09-30
Not Available
Food Science and Technology - One Year ConversionFSTCBachelor Degree Program1 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate FEES 50,000 by study of files2024-09-30
Not Available
MSc Water Resource EngineeringWTREMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc degree in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste Management, Water Resource Engineering, Water management or other related domains. Fees: 50,000FRS2023-02-01
Not Available
MSc. in Water Resource Engineering - One Year ConversionWREMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Master’s degrees or Master of Engineering degrees in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste management, Water Resource Engineering, Water Management, Mechanical Engineering, Power Systems, Energy Resource Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Maintenance and Production engineering or equivalent professional certificates in related fields. Fees: 50,000FRS2023-02-01
Not Available
PhD. Forest Resource Management - Forest EconomicsFWTPhd Degree Program3 yearsRelevant MSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000frs2022-10-30
Not Available
PhD Water Resource EngineeringWTREPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster of Science degree in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste management, Water Resource Engineering, Water management or in a related domain. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D in Food and Bioresource TechnologyFSBTPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc in Nutritional Sciences, Food Science and Technology or related discipline with relevant thesis research to the PhD specialization Tuition: 50,000FRS2022-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D Agribusiness Marketing ManagementDRAMPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc degree in Agribusiness, Marketing, Agricultural Economics, Economics, Management, Rural Development, or Geography. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D Agribusiness Project ManagementDRAPMPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc degree in Agribusiness, Marketing, Agricultural Economics, Economics, Management, Rural Development, or Geography. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Environmental EngineeringAEEPPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster of Science degree in any of the following: Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Waste management, Water Resource Engineering, Water management or in a related domain. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Biotechnology and Animal Science: Animal Nutrition and FeedingANFPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc degrees in animal science, agriculture or the zoological sciences or related disciplines with relevant thesis research that are related to the PhD specialization. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Biotechnology and Animal Science: Reproductive Physiology and Animal HealthRPAHPhd Degree Program3 yearsRelevant MSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. Forest Resource Management - SilvicultureFORMPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Sc degree in Wildlife Resources Management, Forest Resources Management or a related discipline. Fees: 50,000FRS.2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. Wildlife Resource ManagementWLRMPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Sc degree in Wildlife Resources Management, Forest Resources Management or a related discipline.. Tuition : 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. Agronomy - Crop Production TechnologyDCPTPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc degrees in Crop Sciences or related disciplines with relevant thesis research that are related to the PhD specialization. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Food Science and Bioresource TechnologyFSBTPhd Degree Program3 yearsThe conditions for enrollment into the Ph.D program shall be those specified by the PG School with emphasis on the specific areas of research of the Department.2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Nutritional SciencesNSCPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc in Nutritional Sciences, Food Science and Technology or related discipline with relevant thesis research to the PhD specialization Fees: 50,000FRS.2022-07-28
Not Available
Professional Masters in Integrated Development and Management StudiesIDMSMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate PROGRAMME FEE: 500,000FCFA2021-10-08
Not Available
BSc Environmental Engineering - One Year ConversionEECBachelor Degree Program1 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate FEES: 350,000 by study of files2021-10-08
Not Available
Environmental EngineeringEEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsCompetitive entrance examination FEES/YEAR: 50,000FRS.2021-10-08
Not Available
UDT Software EngineeringCENBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)2 yearsCompetitive entrance examination Fees: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
MSc. in Agricultural Machinery and Power Engineering - One Year ConversionAMPEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicant must be a holder of a Masters I in related field2021-01-21
Not Available
MSc. in Biotechnology and Animal Scien: Reproduction Physiology and Animal Health - One Year ConversionRPAHMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicant must be a holder of a Master's I in related field. 2021-01-21
Not Available
B.Tech in Computer Software EngineeringSENBachelor Degree Program3 yearsRelevant HND, BTS, University Diploma of Technology, DIPET I or 2, or an equivalent diploma Fees: 350,000frs2021-01-12
Not Available
B.TECH IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGEEEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCOLTECH is open to all those who have sat and have been successful in the GCE O/L in five papers excluding religious knowledge but including Mathematics and English language. They must also be holders of GCE A/L in at least two papers in relevant fields. All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Candidates will be selected based on annual competitive examinations with a predefined number of places for each programme2021-01-12
Not Available
B.Tech in Electric and Power EngineeringEPEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCOLTECH is open to all those who have sat and have been successful in the GCE O/L in five papers including Mathematics. They must also be holders of GCE A/L in at least two papers in relevant fields.General Certificate of Education Technical Ordinary and Advanced Levels in relevant subjects. Baccalaureat C,D,F2,F3 and MAV. All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Candidates will be selected based on annual competitive examinations with a predefined number of places for each programme2021-01-12
Not Available
Computer EngineeringCENBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCOLTECH is open to all those who have sat and have been successful in the GCE O/L in five papers excluding religious knowledge but including Mathematics and English language. They must also be holders of GCE A/L in at least two papers in relevant fields. All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Candidates will be selected based on annual competitive examinations with a predefined number of places for each programme2020-12-03
Not Available
University Diploma of Technology (UDT) in Electric Power EngineeringUDT-EPEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L2020-12-03
Not Available
University Diploma of Technology (UDT) in Electronic EngineeringUDT-ELEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L2020-12-03
Not Available
Professional Masters in Applied Nutrition and Food Service ManagementANFMMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Sc or professional bachelors degree in Food science and Technology or related discipline. REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 650,000FCFA per year2020-12-03
Not Available
MSc. Food Science and Bioresource Technology (D)FBTMaster Degree Program2 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Ph.D Food Science and Human NutritionDRFSPhd Degree Program2 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
MSc. in Food Science and Technology - One Year ConversionMFSTMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicant must be a holder of a Masters I in related field2020-12-03
Not Available
B.Tech, Environmental TechnologyETBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES; 420,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Agricultural EngineeringAEEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsEntry by competitive entrance exam. FEES/YEAR 50,000FRS 0202-10-22
Not Available
Professional Masters in Development StudiesMIDSMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates should have at least a professional or academic Bachelor degree in a relevant field of study.0000-00-00
Not Available
Agribusiness Technology - One Year ConversionBABTBachelor Degree Program1 yearsRelevant B-Tech, Professional Bachelor or other equivalent Professional certificate FEES STRUCTURE/YEAR 50,000 by entrance exam and 350,000 by study of files0000-00-00
Not Available
BSc. in Foresry and Wildlife Technology (One Year Conversion)FWTCBachelor Degree Program1 yearsB-TECH in Forestry and Wildlife Resource Management or B-TECH in Crop Production or HPD in Forestry 350,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT-Computer Networks and System MaintenanceCNSMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS.0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT in Data ScienceUDT-DASHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
BTech in Data ScienceBTECH-DASBachelor Degree Program1 yearsUDT in Data Science0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT in Renewable Energy EngineeringUDT-REEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT in TelecommunicationUDT-TCEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
BTech in TelecommunicationsBTECH-TCEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsUniversity Diploma of Technology in Telecommunication0000-00-00
Not Available
Nutritional SciencesNFBTMaster Degree Program2 yearsRelevant BSc or equivalent certificates Fees: 50,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
Renewable Electrical Engineering REEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAt least 04 papers at G C E O/L which must include Mathematics and Physics AND at least 02 papers in one sitting at the GCE A/L in Mathematics/Chemistry/Physics/Computer Sciences for EEE OR any two science subjects excluding ICT for CEN or Probatoire and Baccalaureate C, D, F2, F3, MAV OR other relevant subjects: OR pass in GCE Technology/BAC Technique or Probatoire and Baccalaureat de Brevet de TECHNICIAN in a relevant option: e.g. ELN/F2, EPS/F3, AM-LV/MAVT, AM-HD/MAPL, IMSE for EPS, TCE and REE programs. Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education 0000-00-00
Not Available
Renewable Thermal EngineeringRTEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAt least 04 papers at G C E O/L which must include Mathematics and Physics AND at least 02 papers in one sitting at the GCE A/L in Mathematics/Chemistry/Physics/Computer Sciences for EEE OR any two science subjects excluding ICT for CEN or Probatoire and Baccalaureate C, D, F2, F3, MAV OR other relevant subjects: OR pass in GCE Technology/BAC Technique or Probatoire and Baccalaureat de Brevet de TECHNICIAN in a relevant option: e.g. ELN/F2, EPS/F3, AM-LV/MAVT, AM-HD/MAPL, IMSE for EPS, TCE and REE programs. Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education 0000-00-00
Not Available
Bioenegy EngineeringBEEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAt least 04 papers at G C E O/L which must include Mathematics and Physics AND at least 02 papers in one sitting at the GCE A/L in Mathematics/Chemistry/Physics/Computer Sciences for EEE OR any two science subjects excluding ICT for CEN or Probatoire and Baccalaureate C, D, F2, F3, MAV OR other relevant subjects: OR pass in GCE Technology/BAC Technique or Probatoire and Baccalaureat de Brevet de TECHNICIAN in a relevant option: e.g. ELN/F2, EPS/F3, AM-LV/MAVT, AM-HD/MAPL, IMSE for EPS, TCE and REE programs. Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education 0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. Communication and Development StudiesCDSBachelor Degree Program4 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda FEES: 50.000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Communication and DevelopmentCADSMaster Degree Program2 yearsAt least a Second Class Lower Division in Journalism and Mass communication or Development Studies Candidates with other degrees would be accepted but a strong background in the Social Sciences and Humanities is considered desirable. Pre registration:25,000frs Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Communication and Development StudiesCADSMaster Degree Program1 yearsAll university entry requirements; - A GPA of at least 2.5 in the Master programme; - A writing sample (450 - 500 words); - personal statement (450 - 500 words); - Supporting documents; - Curriculum Vitae; - Academic Transcripts and degree certificates; - Other relevant documents. FEES STRUCTURE: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. Geography and PlanningGPBachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Geography and PlanningMGPMaster Degree Program2 yearsAdmission into the MSc Geography and Planning is open to candidates with a good BSc degree in Geography and other related disciplines (minimum of Second Class Honours Lower Division). Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA. Economic and Social Development HistoryHESABachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of Four Ordinary Level and Two Advanced Level Papers Fees: 50,0002024-10-19
Not Available
BA. Heritage and Cultural HistoryHICABachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of Four Ordinary Level and Two Advanced Level Papers Fees: 50,0002024-10-19
Not Available
BA. History and Public Policy: Option - Decentralization and Local GovernanceHIPABachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of Four Ordinary Level and Two Advanced Level Papers Fees: 50,0002024-10-19
Not Available
BA. International StudiesHISABachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of Four Ordinary Level and Two Advanced Level Papers Fees: 50,0002024-10-19
Not Available
BA.English LanguageENGBachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees:50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA. Literatures in EnglishLITABachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MA. Literatures in EnglishLITAMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants for this degree should fulfil the following requirements: a) hold at least a Second Class Lower Division in Arts in Literature or its equivalence in the area of specialization from any recognized University. . Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA. Linguistics and African LanguagesLANABachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Linguistics and African Languages APLAMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters Degree in Linguistics and African Languages or Masters in related fields Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA, Theatre, Television and Film Studies TTFSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA, Visual Arts and History of ArtsVAHABachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MA, Theatre, Television and Film StudiesTTFSMaster Degree Program2 yearsA good undergraduate Degree (Second Class Lower [2.2] or Mention Assez-Bien) in Theatre, Television and Film Studies or any related area. 2024-10-19
Not Available
MA, Visual Arts and History of Arts VAHAMaster Degree Program2 yearsA good undergraduate Degree (Second Class Lower [2.2] or Mention Assez-Bien) in Visual Arts and History of Arts or any related area. 2024-10-19
Not Available
BA, PhilosophyPHILBachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MA, PhilosophyPHIMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates admitted for the Master’s program in Philosophy must have obtained a BA (or equivalent) in Philosophy with a grade of at least Second Class Lower (14/20, Good, Bene Probatus). Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BA, TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATIONLACTIBachelor Degree Program3 years A pass in A/L French, English Language or English Literature/Literature in English. (A1 Series) or BAC 4 Fees: CFA FRS 50, 000 FRS FOR CAMEROON AND CEMAC STUDENTS CFA FRS 300,000 FRS FOR NON-CEMAC ZONE STUDENTS2024-10-19
Not Available
MA TRANSLATIONLCTRMaster Degree Program2 yearsBA Bilingual Letters, Any BA/BSc on condition of attested functional use of English and French Third Languages( Spanish, German etc) is an added advantage Fees: CFA FRS 400,000 FOR CAMEROON AND CEMAC STUDENTS CFA FRS 600, 000 FOR NON-CEMAC STUDENTS 2024-10-19
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
MA. Economic and Social Development HistoryHESAMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates for this degree should fulfill the following requirements: a) BA (Hons) Degree in History or any related discipline in the Humanities (Law, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography) and Social Sciences (Education and Management Sciences) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Fees: 50,000FRS CFA Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. Environmental HistoryHESAMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates for this degree should fulfill the following requirements: a) BA (Hons) Degree in History or any related discipline in the Humanities (Law, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography) and Social Sciences (Education and Management Sciences) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Fees: 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. Heritage and Cutural HistoryHEVAMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates for this degree should fulfill the following requirements: a) BA (Hons) Degree in History or any related discipline in the Humanities (Law, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography) and Social Sciences (Education and Management Sciences) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Fees: 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. History and Public Policy: Option - Decentralization and Local Governance HIPAMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates for this degree should fulfill the following requirements: a) BA (Hons) Degree in History or any related discipline in the Humanities (Law, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography) and Social Sciences (Education and Management Sciences) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Fees: 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. International StudiesHISAMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates for this degree should fulfill the following requirements: a) BA (Hons) Degree in History or any related discipline in the Humanities (Law, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography) and Social Sciences (Education and Management Sciences) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Fees: 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. ENGLISH LANGUAGEENGMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants for this degree should fulfil the following requirements: a) hold a good BA Degree or its equivalence in the area of specialization from any recognised University. b) submit completed applications with the following supporting documentations: a statement of purpose, one official copy of the transcript from each university previously attended, and three letters of recommendation. c) demonstrate strong interpersonal and speaking skills as well as the ability to conduct independent research. d) Candidates with degrees from related disciplines would be required to take some specified courses at the undergraduate level unless they show proof that they minored in the discipline concerned. 2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. Applied LinguisticsAPLMaster Degree Program2 yearsA BA in a Language or Linguistics related area. For the MA Degree in Applied Linguistics, a BA Degree in Linguistics or any Language is a pre-requisite with at least a 2.5. For all the MA Degree programmes, additional knowledge of an African Language will be an advantage. 2024-10-16
Not Available
MA. Linguistics and African LanguagesMLALMaster Degree Program2 years BA in a Language or Linguistics related area. For the MA Degree in Linguistics and African Languages, a BA Degree in Linguistics or any Language is a pre-requisite with at least a Second Class Lower Division Degree, additional knowledge of an African Language will be an advantage2024-10-16
Not Available
HND, DIDACTIONDDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years2024-01-30
Not Available
BA. History and ArchaeologyHARABachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda Fees: 50,000frs2023-10-18
Not Available
Professional MA. Communication and DevelopmentPCDMaster Degree Program1 yearsCandidates must hold at least Second Class Honors Degree or any other qualification deemed equivalent by the department, from The University of Bamenda or any other recognized educational institution. Candidates with other degrees would be accepted but a strong background in the Social Sciences and Humanities is considered desirable. Candidates other than those holding a First degree or its equivalent from The University of Bamenda shall provide official transcripts of both their undergraduate and graduate work. Candidates without a background in Communication and Development Studies should expect to complete additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the department. The admission of such candidates shall be confirmed subject to the successful completion of the required additional course(s). In addition, candidates seeking admission under (i) and (ii) above must submit to the Head of Department at the time of application, a brief description of their intended programme of research. No application will be considered without this description. Admission to the graduate program is competitive. Only candidates with a GPA of 2.5/4 or above will be admitted to undertake the MA However, candidates with higher GPAs and work experience will have an added advantage.2023-02-25
Not Available
PhD. Applied LinguisticsPALPhd Degree Program3 yearsGood MA/MSc in Linguistics or related Disciplines. Transcripts required.2022-09-30
Not Available
PhD in CommunicationCOMAPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster degree in either Journalism or Communication or any other related discipline from a recognized university. FEES: Tuition: 500,0000FRs Registration: 50,000FRs Insurance/Medical: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD. Geography and PlanningGPPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates who hold a Master of Science Degree in the appropriate field from a recognized university can be admitted into the PhD programme. Holders of the Doctorat de Troisieme cycle in a specified field can also gain admission into the programme. Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD. History and ArchaeologyHISPhd Degree Program3 yearsFor admission into the PhD programme, applicants must hold an MA degree in history OR related field from The University of Bamenda and any other recognized University. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD. English LanguageENGPhd Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold a good MA Degree in the area of specialization from a recognised University. They must submit completed applications and the following supporting documentation: a statement of purpose, one official copy of the transcript from each university previously attended, and three letters of recommendation. They must demonstrate a strong interpersonal and speaking skills as well as the ability to conduct independent research. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD. Literatures in EnglishENG LITPhd Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold a good MA Degree in the area of specialization (MA in Literature in English or equivalent) from a recognized University. Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD. Linguistics and African languagesPLALPhd Degree Program4 yearsGood MA/MSc in Linguistics or any Language related Disciplines. Supporting Documents of Degree required.2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD, Theatre, Television and Film Studies TTFSPhd Degree Program3 yearsMasters of Arts Degree in Theatre, Television and Film or related Disciplines in the humanities and Arts from a recognized university Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD, PhilosophyPHIPhd Degree Program3 yearsTo be admitted into the PhD programme, a student must possess a Master’s degree in Philosophy or its equivalent with a grade of at least very good (Cum laude Probatus).2022-07-28
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
BA. Cameroonian Languages and CulturesCLCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must have the minimum university entry requirements, which is two Advanced Level Subjects and five Ordinary Level subjects including English Language at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) for the BA degree programme.2021-10-22
Not Available
BA. Language and DevelopmentLADBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must have the minimum university entry requirements, which is two Advanced Level Subjects and five Ordinary Level subjects including English Language at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) for the BA degree programme.2021-10-22
Not Available
BA. National Language StudyNLSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must have the minimum university entry requirements, which is two Advanced Level Subjects and five Ordinary Level subjects including English Language at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) for the BA degree programme.2021-10-22
Not Available
MEd. Evaluation and MeasurementEMEMaster Degree Program2 years##2021-01-21
Not Available
MSc. Subject DidacticsSDMaster Degree Program2 years##2020-12-03
Not Available
MA. Theoretical LinguisticsTHLMaster Degree Program2 yearsA BA in a Language or Linguistics related area. For an MA Degree in Theoretical Linguistics, a BA Degree in General Linguistics with at least a 2.5 or ‘Assez Bien’ is relevant. For all the MA Degree programmes, additional knowledge of an African Language will be an advantage 2020-12-03
Not Available
MA. African Renaissance StudiesARSMaster Degree Program2 yearsA BA in a Language or Linguistics related area. For an MA Degree in African Renaissance, a BA Degree from a Department of Linguistics or any Department in the Social Sciences will be a pre-requisite with at least a 2.5. For all the MA Degree programmes, additional knowledge of an African Language will be an advantage 2020-12-03
Not Available
MA. Mother Tongue EducationMTEMaster Degree Program2 yearsA BA in a Language or Linguistics related area. For the MA Degree in Mother Tongue Education, a BA Degree in Linguistics or any Language is a pre-requisite with at least a 2.5. For all the MA Degree programmes, additional knowledge of an African Language will be an advantage. 2020-12-03
Not Available
BA Music and Dance MUADBachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least five (5) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. In addition to these requirements, applicants might be evaluated on technical and practical components related to the discipline solicited. 2020-12-03
Not Available
PhD, Visual Arts VAHAPhd Degree Program4 yearsAdmission to the unit for Fine Arts History and Theories of Art will be on presentation of a file containing the formal qualifications (A Levels or equivalent) accompanied, in the artistic bachelor, an interview with a jury that could ask for a portfolio or an aptitude test. Graduates of general education and technical education will in turn undergo a competition. However, to further encourage the blossoming of art, VAHA could open its doors to auditing students as part of on-going training that will be sanctioned by the issuance of a certificate or diploma. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Visual Arts and History of ArtsVAHABachelor Degree Program3 yearsGCE A Levels/BACC2020-12-03
Not Available
BTECH, DIDACTIONDDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2020-12-03
Not Available
BA BILINGUAL LETTERSLACBILBachelor Degree Program3 years A pass in A/L French, English Language or English Literature/Literature in English. REGISTRATION FEES:12,000frS TUITION: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
BA, MULTILINGUAL AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONLACMICBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in A/L French, English Language or English Literature/Literature in English. However, candidate must be ready to learn another new language (Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese, etc) from scratch, in language combinations to be specified. REGISTRATION FEES: 12,000 TUITION: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
BSc. ManagementMGTBachelor Degree Program3 years? Holders of G.C.E “A” level in at least two (2) papers obtained in one sitting, with a pass at O/L English Language and Mathematics or BAC (A, B, C, D, G2, G2, G3) with a pass in English Language at the Probatoire or holders of other equivalent certificates which meet all the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and The UBa pertinent requirements. ? Direct Entry Year 2, transfer cases from other Universities, HND ? Direct entry into year three, holders of BBA or DIPES I or DIPET I or any other equivalent certificate in a related field with a pass at O/L English Language and Mathematics. Fees: 50,000FRS 2024-10-20
Not Available
Conversion MSc. Accounting CACCMaster Degree Program1 years-Applicants are holders of Professional Master Degrees; MBA; DIPET II; DIPES II or any other Professional Master Degree in a related field. -Candidates must also hold Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Accounting or related field NB: Fees Structure: REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 500,000FCFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in AccountingMACCMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must be holders of i) At least 2nd Class Lower Division BSc in Accounting or any other qualification deemed equivalent by the Department. ii) Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. NB: Fees Structure: 50,000FRS CFA. 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. EconomicsECNBachelor Degree Program3 years? Applicants are holders of G.C.E “A” level in at least two (2) papers obtained in one sitting (excluding Religious Knowledge) with A/Level Economics or related disciplines as an advantage. Candidates should have four (4) O/Level subjects including English and Mathematics at O/L. ? Or BAC (A, B, C, D, G2, G2, G3) with a pass in English Language at the Probatoire ? Or holders of other equivalent certificates which meet all the Faculty of Economics and Management and The UBa pertinent requirements. ? Direct Entry Year 2, transfer cases from other Universities, HND ? Direct entry into year three, applicants should be holders of BBA or DIPES I or DIPET I or any other equivalent in a related field with a pass at O/L English Language and Mathematics. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda. NB: Fees Structure: 50,000FRS CFA.2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc. EconomicsCECNMaster Degree Program1 years? Applicants are holders of Professional Master Degrees; MBA; DIPET II; DIPES II or any other Professional Master Degree in a related field. ? Candidates must hold Bachelor Degree (BSc) in the related field. PRE-REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 500,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in EconomicsMECNMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must be holders of at least a i) At least 2nd Class Lower Division BSc in Economics /Accounting or any other qualification deemed equivalent by the Department. ii) Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. NB: Pre-registration: 25,000FRS Fees: 50,000Frs CFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc. ManagementCMGTMaster Degree Program1 years? Holders of MBA, DIPES II or DIPET II in Management or related field or holders of equivalent certificates meeting all the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and The UBa requirements. ? Candidates must hold Bachelor Degree (BSc) in the related field. PREE REGISTRATION: 25,000FRS PROGRAMME FEE: 500,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. MarketingMKTMaster Degree Program2 years? Holders of First Degree in Management or related field or holders of equivalent certificates meeting all the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and The UBa requirements ? Holders of DIPES II or DIPET II with a B.Sc. in Management can register for level 500 (Year 4). s). PRE REGISTRATION: 25,000FRS FEES: 50,000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters in Human Resource Management MHRMMaster Degree Program2 years? Holders of BSc, BBA, BTech, DIPES I, DIPET I from any recognized institution in any discipline in the humanities, sciences, social and behavioural sciences, economic and management sciences and technology. REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. MarketingMKTBachelor Degree Program3 years GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence as well as O/L Mathematics. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in ManagementMMGTMaster Degree Program2 years? Holders of First Degree in Management or related field or holders of equivalent certificates meeting all the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and The UBa requirements ? Holders of DIPES II or DIPET II with a B.Sc. in Management can register for level 500 (Year 4). PRE REGISTRATION: 25,000FRS FEES: 50,000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion M.Sc In MarketingCMKTMaster Degree Program1 years? Holders of First Degree in Marketing or related field or holders of equivalent certificates meeting all the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences and The UBa requirements ? Holders of DIPES II or DIPET II with a B.Sc. in Marketing can register for level 500 (Year 4). PRE REGISTRATION: 25,000FRS FEES: 500,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc. Banking and FinanceCBAFMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants are holders of Professional Master Degrees in i) MBA, DIPET II, DIPES II, or any other Professional Master Degree ii) Candidates must also hold Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Banking and Finance or related field REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 500,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. Banking and FinanceBNFBachelor Degree Program3 years GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence as well as O/L Mathematics. NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at the Ordinary Level or Probatoire are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test that will be organised by The University of Bamenda. Requirements for admission into Year II and III are: HND, B-Tech, Ba or DIPET - I in Banking and Finance or related field for Year III and Transfer cases from mother Universities for Year II. It may be required that some courses are taken in year 2 NB: Programme Fees: 50,000Frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Banking and FinanceMBFMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidate must hold at i) At least 2nd Class Lower Division BSc in Economics /Accounting/Banking and Finance or any other qualification deemed equivalent by the Department. ii) Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department pre-registration: 25,000FRS CFA The fee is 50,000 (fifty thousand cfa) per year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters in Health Economics, Policy and Management HEPMMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree (BA or BSc) from any recognised institution in any discipline in the humanities, sciences, social and behavioural sciences, economic and management sciences and technology. Any relevant qualification may be considered and candidates may also be advised if necessary to take top-up undergraduate courses. The admission of such candidates shall be confirmed subject to the successful completion of the required additional course(s). REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-16
Not Available
Masters in Finance and InvestmentMFIMaster Degree Program2 years? A Bachelor’s Degree (BA or BSc) with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale), in a related field or any other qualification deemed equivalent ? Any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-16
Not Available
BSc. Accounting.ACCBachelor Degree Program3 years? Four (4) O/Level subjects (excluding religious knowledge) including English at O/L and Mathematics ? At least two A/Level subjects (excluding Religious Knowledge) with A/Level Economics or related disciplines as an advantage. ? Or BAC (A, B, C, D, G2, G2, G3) with a pass in English Language at the Probatoire ? Or holders of other equivalent certificates which meet all the Faculty of Economics and Management and The UBa pertinent requirements. ? Direct Entry Year 2, transfer cases from other Universities, HND Direct entry into year three, applicants should be holders of BBA or DIPES I or DIPET I or any other equivalent in a related field with a pass at O/L English Language and Mathematics. NB: Fees Structure: 50,000FRS CFA 2024-09-30
Not Available
Phd. AccountingACCPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must hold a Master Degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Management or related disciplines or any other qualification deemed equivalent. Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. The admission of such candidates shall be confirmed subject to the successful completion of the required additional course(s). NB: Pre-registration: 25,000 FRS CFA Programme Fees: 50,000 FRS CFA 2021-10-08
Not Available
Phd. EconomicsECNPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must hold i) Master of Science (MSc) Degree in Economics ii) Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. The duration for the Doctoral Degree programme in Economics is at least 3 years (6 semesters) and at most 5 years (10 semesters). REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA FEES: 50,000FRS CFA2021-10-08
Not Available
Masters in Environmental Economics, Policy and ManagementMEEPMMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree (BA or BSc) from any recognized institution in any discipline in the humanities, sciences, social and behavioral sciences, economic and management sciences and technology. Any relevant qualification may be considered and candidates may also be advised if necessary to take top-up undergraduate courses. REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 600,000FCFA2021-10-08
Not Available
Phd. MarketingMKTPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must hold a Master Degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Management or related disciplines or any other qualification deemed equivalent. PREREGISTRATION: 25,000FRS FEES: 50,000FRS 2021-10-08
Not Available
PhD. Banking and FinanceFINPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must hold a Master Degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Management or related disciplines or any other qualification deemed equivalent. Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. The admission of such candidates shall be confirmed subject to the successful completion of the required additional course(s). FEES: 50,000FRS 2021-10-08
Not Available
B.Tech in AcountingACCBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years#2021-01-12
Not Available
B.Tech in MarketingMKTBachelor Degree Program1 years#2021-01-12
Not Available
Phd. ManagementMGTPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates must hold a Master Degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Management or related disciplines or any other qualification deemed equivalent. Candidates with any other qualification not deemed equivalent may be required to take additional undergraduate and/or postgraduate course(s) deemed relevant by the Department. The admission of such candidates shall be confirmed subject to the successful completion of the required additional course(s). PREREGISTRATION: 25,000FFRS FEES: 50,000FRS 2000-01-01
Not Available
MSc Quantitative FinanceQFMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelors in any related field0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
History of EducationHODBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo A/L subjects or BAC Fees 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Ed Philosophy of EducationPOEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification. Tuition: 50,000FRS Per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
B.Ed Environmental EducationEEDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo A/L subjects or BAC Fees: 50,000Frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Community PsychologyCPSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition: 50,000FRS. Insurance and Medical: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000FRs only for the First Year 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion M.ED. Educational Measurement and EvaluationEMEMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor’s Degree in Education or related fields of study -Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in, Measurement and Evaluation, and other Related fields. -Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from previous institution -50000frs: Registration -250000frs: Tuition fee -10.000frs: Caution -8700frs: Medical and Insurance 2024-10-19
Not Available
EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYEPYBachelor Degree Program3 years A pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Fees: 50,000FRS per Year NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Teachers Grade One Diploma or CAPIEM pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with either DIPES I , DIPET I, HND or DIPEN I pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Applied Developmental PsychologyEPYMaster Degree Program3 years-Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology, Counseling/Psychology/Eduvation or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with at least a D grade -All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Tuition: 50.000 per year 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc, Community PsychologyCPSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology, Counselling/Psychology/Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Tuition Year: 50,000FRS per Year 2024-10-19
Not Available
MEd, EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATIONEMEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Tuition: 50,000 CFA per year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Early Childhood Care and EducationECEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition: 50,000FRS. Medicals /Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Ed Educational PsychologyEPYMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Ed in Educational Psychology/Education Tuition: 50.000Frs per Year 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion M.ED. Educational PsychologyCEPSMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Education or related fields of study -Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in Psychology, Counselling, Early Childhood Education and other Related fields. -Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from previous institution -50000frs: Registration -250000frs: Tuition fee -10.000frs: Caution -8700frs: Medical and Insurance2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc. Applied Developmental PsychologyADPMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Education or related fields of study -Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in Psychology, Counselling, Early Childhood Education and other Related fields. -Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from previous institution -50000frs: Registration -250000frs: Tuition fee -10.000frs: Caution -8700frs: Medical2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc. Community PsychologyCPSMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Education or related fields of study -Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in Psychology, Counselling, Early Childhood Education and other Related fields. -Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from previous institution -50000frs Registration -250000frs Tuition fee -10.000frs Caution -8700frs Medical2024-10-19
Not Available
MEd, TEACHER EDUCATIONTEDMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education and related fields or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution Tuition: 50,000FRS per year 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion B.Ed in Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)C-STEMBachelor Degree Program1 years- Transcripts of 1st and 2nd Year of Studies of Students of HTTC and HTTTC - DIPEN 1/DIPET 1 certificates in a science discipline Tuition: 50,000frsper year Medical/Insurance: 8700ffrs Caution: 10,000frs for the first yearonly NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Teachers Grade One Diploma or CAPIEM pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with either DIPES I , DIPET I, HND or DIPEN I pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
B.Ed in Nomadic Teacher EducationNTEDBachelor Degree Program3 years2 A/Level subjects or BAC Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters of Education (M.Ed) in STEM Education)STEMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelor Degree in STEM Education or a B.Sc. or its equivalence in a Science-related discipline with a diploma in education and a GPA of at least 2.5/42024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Teacher Education TEDMaster Degree Program1 years- A Bachelor Degree in Education or a B.Sc. in related social science discipline with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 Or DIPES II, DIPET II HEES: 350,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIPEDLBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition: 50,000FRS. Medicals/Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Teachers Grade One Diploma or CAPIEM pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with either DIPES I , DIPET I, HND or DIPEN I pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Ed in Educational Leadership and Management (Masters)ELEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBB.Ed. degree in Educational Leadership/Administration - B.Ed. in Curriculum Studies & Teaching or BSc. degree in related Social Science disciplines. -Applicants without a degree in Education, Teaching (or related Social Science degree as above) are welcome to apply, but should have a degree and a minimum of three years relevant professional experience post degree, in an education-focused settings. Tuition: 50,000 CFA per year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters of Education (M.Ed) in Higher Education Development & Governance (HEDG)HEDGMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelor Degree in Education or a B.Sc. or its equivalence in a related social science discipline with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters of Education (M.Ed) in Economics and Finance of Education (EFE)EFEMaster Degree Program2 years- A Bachelor Degree in Education or a B.Sc. or its equivalence in a related social science discipline with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 - Should have done some previous coursework (at least at the undergraduate level) in economics/economics of education and basic statistics -Be a holder of a BSc. Degree in the sciences, plus either a diploma in Education or its equivalence form a recognized education institution. Fees: 50,000FRs2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Masters in Inspection & Supervision of Instructions (ISI)ISIMaster Degree Program2 years- A Bachelor Degree in Education or a B.Sc. in related social science discipline with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 Or DIPES II, DIPET II - Must be a practicing teacher or Educational Administrator (Head teacher, Pedagogic Inspector, educational delegate, Principal, Vice Principal, Discipline Master etc) in the public or private sectors or a School Proprietor/ promoter. Fees: 350,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. Educational TechnologyEDTMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in education technology or with at least 2.90GPA in any related field. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Curriculum Planning and DesignCPDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition : 50,000FRS. Medicals/Insurance: 8700frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Teachers Grade One Diploma or CAPIEM pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with either DIPES I , DIPET I, HND or DIPEN I pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
B.Ed in Educational TechnologyEDTBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo A/L subjects or BAC Fees 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
CURRICULUM PEDAGOGYPEDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition: 50,000FRS per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only2024-10-19
Not Available
Inclusive EducationIEDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo Advanced Level papers excluding religion, Baccalaureate and a pass in ordinary level English Tuition: 50,000CFA per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only2024-10-19
Not Available
MEd, Curriculum Planning and DesignCPDMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Tuition: 50,000 CFA per year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Ed in PEDAGOGYM CPEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Program Fee: 50,000 CFA per year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters of Education in Inclusive EducationMEIEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelors Degree in Related field Tuition: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc in Library, Archival and Information ScienceLAIMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor's Degree in Library, Archival and Information Science or related discipline Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ANIMATIONPEABachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III -All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Tuition: 50,000Frs per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Teachers Grade One Diploma or CAPIEM pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with either DIPES I , DIPET I, HND or DIPEN I pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
B.Ed in Recreation and Leisure StudiesBRLSBachelor Degree Program3 years2 A/Level subjects or BAC, CJA, IJPA or equivalent. Fees: 50,000FRS NB: CONVERSION 1) Admitted directly into Year II with Diploma IJA, IPJA or equivalent pay a tuition of 100,000frs per Year while 2) those admitted directly into Year III with Diplomas in CJA, CPJA or equivalent pay a tuition of 150,000frs per Year2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Masters in Wellness and Fitness Instruction.WFIBachelor Degree Program2 years- A Bachelor Degree in Physical Education with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 Or FEES: 350,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc, HEALTH PSYCHOLOGYHPYMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Ed/ BSc Counseling/ Psychology Tuition: 500.000 per year 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc, CLINICAL COUNSELINGCLCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution, Graduates of the second cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Tuition: 50,000FRS per year2024-10-19
Not Available
B.Ed Guidance and CounselingGACBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo A/L subjects or BAC Fees: 50,000Frs2024-10-19
Not Available
M.SC. in Social WorkSOWMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution; Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC. Fees: 50,000frs Caution: 10,000frs Medicals/Insurance: 8,700frs2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Social and Organizational PsychologySOPMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution; Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC. Fees: 50,000frs Caution: 10,000frs Medicals/Insurance: 8,700frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in CounsellingCPYMaster Degree Program1 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Education or related fields of study - Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in Psychology, Counselling, Educational Psychology and other Related fields. - Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from recognized previous institution Fees: 350,000frs Caution: 10,000frs Medicals/Insurance: 8,700frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Social and Organizational PsychologySOPMaster Degree Program1 years- Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Education or related fields of study - Postgraduate Diploma or Professional Masters in Psychology, Counselling, Educational Psychology and other Related fields. - Certified transcript of not less than 60 credits earned from recognized previous institution Fees: 350,000frs Caution: 10,000frs Medicals/Insurance: 8,700frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Sociology of EducationSOCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTwo A/L subjects or BAC Fees 50,000frs2024-10-16
Not Available
MEd, Environmental EducationENVMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Environmental Education, Sociology of Education, Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Biology, Science of Education or a Bachelor degree in any of the social Science disciplines. Tuition Year: 50,000FRS per Year 2024-10-16
Not Available
MEd, History of EducationHISMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Environmental Education, Sociology of Education, Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Science of Education or a Bachelor degree in any of the social Science disciplines. Tuition Year: 50,000FRS per Year 2024-10-16
Not Available
MEd, Sociology of EducationSOCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Environmental Education, Sociology of Education, Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Science of Education or a Bachelor degree in any of the social Science disciplines. Tuition Year: 50,000FRS per Year 2024-10-16
Not Available
Philosophy of educationPEMaster Degree Program2 years-Master’s Degree in any Foundation of Education or equivalent qualification Tuition: 500,000FRS Per Year2024-10-16
Not Available
Secondary Education (Teaching Subjects: History, Geography, Economics, Law, Accounting, Management, English Language, Literaturein English)SEEDBachelor Degree Program3 years2 A/Level subject or BAC in Sciences2024-10-16
Not Available
Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM )STEMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L science subjects and two (02) GCE A/L science subjects, A/L Technical, ICT and BAC C,D, F et TI for those seeking admission into year 1 -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with least a D grade for those seeking admission into Year II -HTTC/HTTTC graduates and FINAL year students for those seeking admission into year III Tuition: 50,000FRS. Medicals/Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frsfor the First year only2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in School Principalship (SP)SPCMaster Degree Program2 years- A Bachelor Degree in Education or a B.Sc. in related social science discipline with a GPA of at least 2.5/4 Or DIPES II, DIPET II - Must be a practicing teacher or Educational Administrator (Head teacher, Pedagogic Inspector, educational delegate, Principal, Vice Principal, Discipline Master etc) in the public or private sectors or a School Proprietor/ promoter. Fees: 350,000Frs 2024-10-16
Not Available
M.Ed, Physical Education and AnimationMPEAMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology, Counseling/Psychology/Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution Tuition 50,000FRS per year2024-10-16
Not Available
MEd, SCHOOL COUNSELINGSCCMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelor Degree in Counseling, Psychology of education or other equivalences, Graduate of Second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC with a Bachelor's Degree Tuition: 50,000FRS per year2024-10-16
Not Available
Applied Developmental PsychologyADPBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in O/L English language -A pass in at least 2 A/level subjects or its equivalent (gotten in one sitting); -2 A/Level subjects plus teacher grade 1(for those seeking admission into year 2 of the B.Ed. program) -DIPES I and DIPES II for those seeking to be admitted into the final year of the B.Ed. program FEES: 50,000frs 2024-09-30
Not Available
Library, Archival and Information ScienceLAIBachelor Degree Program3 yearsG.C.E A/L in two papers or equivalent in at least one sitting, Teachers's Grade I certificate (CAPIEM) plus a pass with a D in one A/L subject Fees: 50,000Frs2024-09-30
Not Available
Psychology of EducationPSOEBachelor Degree Program3 years#2023-10-18
Not Available
PhD, EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIPELEPhd Degree Program3 years-Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership or any other equivalent qualification. Tuition: 700,000 CFA per year. . 2022-11-13
Not Available
Ph.D. in Curriculum Planning and DesignPCPDPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster’s Degree in Curriculum Planning and Design or equivalent qualification Tuition: 700,000FRSper year2022-11-13
Not Available
Phd, SCHOOL COUNSELLINGSCLPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Ed/M.Sc in Counselling Psychology or related discipline Tuition: 700,000frs per year2022-11-13
Not Available
Phd, INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYIOPPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Ed/M.Sc in Counselling Psychology or related discipline. Tuition : 700,000Frs per year2022-11-13
Not Available
Ph.D Clinical CounselingSCCPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Ed/MSc in Psychology/Counseling/Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology Tuition: 700,000frs per year 2022-11-13
Not Available
PhD, Applied Developmental PsychologyADPPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Ed/MSc AppliedDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Tuition: 700,000FRS per Year 2022-10-30
Not Available
Doctor of Phylosophy in Measurement and Evaluation PMEPhd Degree Program3 yearsMasters in Education or its equivalent Tuition: 700,000frs 2022-10-30
Not Available
M.Ed INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYIOPMaster Degree Program2 yearsB.Ed / BSc in counseling or equivalent qualification. Tuition: 500.000 per year 2022-10-30
Not Available
PhD Phylosophy in Educational PsychologyPEPSPhd Degree Program3 yearsMasters in Education or its equivalence Tuition: 700,000frs 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD IN TEACHERS EDUCATIONTEDPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster’s Degree in Curriculum Planning and Design or equivalent qualification Tuition: 700,000FRSper year2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Inclusive EducationINEDPhd Degree Program3 yearsMasters Degree in Related field Tuition: 700,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Physical Education and Animation PPEAPhd Degree Program3 yearsM.Ed Physical Education and Animation Tuition: 700,000FRS 2022-07-28
Not Available
M.Ed in Supervision of InstructionSOIMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution -Graduates of the second Cycle of HTTC and HTTTC Tuition: 500,000FRS Per Year2021-01-21
Not Available
EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONSEFABachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Environmental EducationEEBachelor Degree Program3 years GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalent. GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalent. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Early Childhood DevelopmentECDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects. -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with at least a D grade -All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. -Other university-wide requirements Tuition 50,000FRS per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700Frs Caution: 10,000frs for the first year only2020-12-03
Not Available
Primary EducationPREDBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Technical EducationTEEDBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Economics of EducationEEDBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Educational Leadership in Basic EducationELBEBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Educational Leadership in Secondary EducationELDEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in 4-GCE O/L subjects and two (02) GCE A/L subjects. -Teachers’ Grade 1 plus 1 GCE A/L with at least a D grade -All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Tuition: 50,000FRS per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700frs Cauition: 10,000Frs for the first year only2020-12-03
Not Available
MEd, SUBJECT DIDACTICSSDDMaster Degree Program2 years##2020-12-03
Not Available
Physical and Health EducationPHEDBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Sport PsychologySPSBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
CoachingCOBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Pysical EducationPEMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Animation or any other equivalent qualification earned from a recognized institution of higher learning. Tuition: 500,000FRS Per Year2020-12-03
Not Available
MSc, BEREAVEMENT COUNSELINGBRCMaster Degree Program2 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Health CounsellingHCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification. Tuition: 500,000FRS per year2020-12-03
Not Available
Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational PschologyIOPPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster’s Degree in Industrial Psychology or equivalent qualification Tuition: 700,000FRS Per Year2020-12-03
Not Available
DISTANCE EDUCATIONDEDDistance Education4 yearsPass in GCE Advanced Level in at least two subjects or Probatoire (excluding Religious Knowledge). Teacher’s Grade I Certificate (CAPIEM) from a recognized Teacher Training Institution, shall be considered as a subject after candidates’ files would have been studied. Passed in General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level in at least four subjects including English Language or BEPC. All candidates, without Ordinary Level English Language must provide an English Language Proficiency Certificate obtained from a recognized examining institution, Tuition: 50,000frs per year Medicals/Insurance: 8700frs Caution: 10,000frs for first year only2020-12-03
Not Available
MEd, SCHOOL COUNSELING_LATESCCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Education or equivalent qualification. Tuition: 500,000FRS per year2020-01-01
Not Available
Ph.D. in Philosophy of EducationPPEPhd Degree Program3 years-Master’s Degree in any Foundation of Education or equivalent qualification FEES: Tuition: 700,000FRS per Year2000-01-01
Not Available
PhD, Community PsychologyCPSPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster’s Degree in Community Psychology or equivalent qualification Tuition: 700,000FRS Per Year2000-01-01
Not Available
Guidance and CounsellingGACZBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAdvanced Level0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Professional MasterMLSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc (Second class honours) from any recognized University in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Doctor of Medicine or Veterinary Medicine Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Sciences Fees: 600,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional MasterMDWMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Nursing/ BSc in Nursing Science, Bachelor of Midwifery Science/ BSc in Midwifery, Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery/Midwifery Science Fees/Year: 600,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Master's in Psychiatric NursingPSNUMaster Degree Program2 yearsEntry requirements: A BSc (at least second class) in Nursing, or Nursing/Midwifery Fees: 600,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Master's in Public Health (Specialization : Community Health)MPHMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc (Second class Honours) from any recognized University in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Sciences REGISTRATION FEE: 600,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
Master of Midwifery ScienceMMWSMaster Degree Program2 years Bachelors in Nursing Science or Bachelor of Science in Midwiferym Nursing, or other equivalent degrees or other equivalent. Must meet all entry requirements of the University of Bamenda REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 600,000FCFA2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in Medical Surgical Nursing ScienceMNSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Nursing/ BSc in Nursing or B. Tech in Nursing REGISTRATION FEE: 60,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA 2024-10-16
Not Available
Masters in Paediatric NursingPEDNMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc in Nursing (Second class Honours) - A two-year work experience as a nurse (supervised clinical voluntary and internship hours may be counted towards this). - A signed statement of understanding of the MSN advanced nursing practice clinical placement requirements Fees: 600,000frs2023-02-12
Not Available
MSc in Chemical Pathology CPATMaster Degree Program2 yearsAt least a Second-Class Honours Lower Division Bachelor’s Degree or the “Licence with mention Assez Bien” in Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Microbiology, Parasitology, and Nursing. Depending on the student’s background and desired options the Department may prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 18 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate. Any relevant experience would be an advantage. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and interview whenever necessary. Fees: 600,000FCFA per year (includes registration) 2022-11-13
Not Available
MSc in Pharmacology and ToxicologyPTOXMaster Degree Program4 yearsCandidates seeking admission into the postgraduate programme in Chemical Pathology must be holders of an MD, or a B.Sc. Degree (at least Second-Class Honours Lower Division Bachelor’s Degree or the “Licence with mention Assez Bien”) in Biochemistry, Biomedical sciences or Medical Laboratory Sciences. Depending on the candidate's background, the Department may prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 18 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate. Any relevant experience would be an advantage. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and interview whenever necessary. Fees: 600,000FCFA per year (includes registration) 2022-11-13
Not Available
BSc in Biomedical SciencesBSC-BMSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry requirements: At least 04 papers at the GCE O/L including Biology and Chemistry or Probatoire C,D or I; at least 02 papers at the GCEA/L in sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Bacc C, D or I. FEES: 350,000F2022-09-30
Not Available
Professional Masters in Medical Laboratory Science (Specialty: Medical Microbiology and Parasitology)MMLSMaster Degree Program2 years-MSc Medical Laboratory Science: Bachelors in Laboratory Science, Microbiology, Zoology, Biology or nursing, or doctor of Medicine or Veterinary Medicine degrees or other equivalent degree, FEES/Year: 850,000 FCFA2022-09-30
Not Available
BNS in NursingNUBachelor Degree Program1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Higher National Diploma in Nursing or Equivalent certificate 2022-09-30
Not Available
Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (Specialization: Midwifery Practice)PDMPMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holders of a Bachelors Degree in Nursing or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing, B. Tech in Nursing or equivalent degrees. Must meet all entry requirements of the University of Bamenda. Duration of study is 1 year (2 semesters). REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA MEDICAL/INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE: 18,700FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 420,000FCFA per year.2022-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D. in Nursing SciencePNSPhd Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must be holders of a Masters degree in the related field. REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 850,000FCFA.2022-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D. in Public Health (Specialisation: Public Health Policy and Administration)PPHPhd Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Public Health or related field. REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 650,000FCFA2022-09-30
Not Available
PhD in Chemical PathologyCPATPhd Degree Program5 yearsCandidates must hold a Master’s degree in Chemical Pathology, Clinical Chemistry or Clinical Biochemistry or Biochemistry. Fees: 700,000FCFA per year (includes registration) 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in PharmacologyPHMPhd Degree Program3 yearsAt least a Second class honours lower division masters of science degree or masters with mention assez bien in Pharmacology, Toxicology, chemical pathology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical chemistry and other relevant degrees in biological sciences Fees: 700,000frs per year2022-07-28
Not Available
Doctor of MedicineMDBachelor Degree Program7 years###2020-12-03
Not Available
Doctor of MedicineMDBachelor Degree Program7 years###2020-12-03
Not Available
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS)BMLSBachelor Degree Program4 yearsGCE A Levels in Biology an any other Science subjects Fees: 430,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Nursing/MidwiferyBNMSBachelor Degree Program4 years###2020-12-03
Not Available
Bachelor of Nursing Science (FHS One Year)BNSBachelor Degree Program1 yearsHND/HPD/DESP in nursing Fees: 438,800FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
NURSING ( Direct four years)BNUHBachelor Degree Program4 yearsGCE A Levels in Biology and any other science subject Fees: 430,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
MIDWIFERY (Direct four years)BMIHBachelor Degree Program4 years###2020-12-03
Not Available
Community HealthCHMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor degrees or its equivalent in domains of health, Science or Social sciences. FEES/Year: 650,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
BMS in Midwifery BTMWBachelor Degree Program1 yearsHND in Midwifery 2020-12-03
Not Available
Doctor of MedicineMDBachelor Degree Program7 yearsYear 1: GCE "A" Levels in Sciences or Bacc "C" or "D". Those starting at Year 4 , A degree in Biomedical Sciences. With the above qualifications, a competitive entrance examination is written for the final selection.0000-00-00
Not Available
PharmacyPHAMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsCompetitive Entrance Examination0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
English Private LawEPLWBachelor Degree Program3 years-Four ordinary level papers excluding Religious Studies but including English language , BEPC and probatoire -Two advanced level subjects in one sitting excluding Religious studies or Baccalaureate. -CAPACITE in law FEES: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in English Private LawEPLLMaster Degree Program1 yearsProfessional Masters Degree in any field of Law, or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission.. Registration: 25,000Frs Tuition: 500,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Capacité en Droit CAPBachelor Degree Program2 years GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least five (5) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence. Fees : 150,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Public LawPULLMaster Degree Program1 years-Professional Masters Degree in any field of Law, or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Registration: 25,000Frs Tuition: 500,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters in Internal Public LawIPLWMaster Degree Program2 years1.LLB or Bachelor’s Degree in law 2.Licence en Droit Public - LL.B (Hons) in law, - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2024-10-19
Not Available
Masters in Public International LawPILWMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor's Degree (LLB) in Law or related field - Licence en Droit Public. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, POLITICAL SCIENCEPOLSBachelor Degree Program3 years-Holders of G.C.E “A” level in at least two (2) papers obtained in one sitting Excluding Religious studies , and or BAC (A, B, C, D, G2, G2, G3) with a pass in English Language at the Probatoire. -Four Ordinary Level Papers in one sitting excluding Religious studies, including English Language -Capacite en Droit Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. POLITICAL SCIENCEPOLSMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc, COMPARATIVE POLITICS POLSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Political Science (BSc) or equivalent, in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND STRATEGIC STUDIESPOLSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Political Science (BSc) or equivalent, in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc Public Administration and Policy PADPMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Political Science (BSc) or equivalent, in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. FEES: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Negotiation, Mediation and Peace Building NMPBMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Political Science (BSc) or equivalent, in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
French Private LawFPLWBachelor Degree Program3 years-Four ordinary level papers excluding Religious Studies but including English language - BEPC and Probatoire with a pass in English language -Two advanced level subjects in one sitting excluding religious studies -Baccalaureate. - Holders of a Capacité en Droit Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Masters in Human Rights LawHRLWMaster Degree Program2 yearsProfessional LLB (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Tuition Fee: 350.000 CFA per year2024-10-16
Not Available
Master en Droit des Affaires et des EntreprisesBCLWMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Laws (LL.B or PGD -Post Graduate Diploma in Law/ Licence ou Maitrise en droit Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-16
Not Available
LLM in Business Corporate LawBCLWMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLB) in Law or related field Fees: 50,000Frs2024-09-30
Not Available
Masters in English Private LawLL.M EPLWMaster Degree Program2 years- LL.B (Hons) in Public law, second class lower - LL.B (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2024-05-20
Not Available
Not Available
Doctor of Philosophy in English Private LawEPLPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster of Laws Degree (LLM). FEES: 50,000frs2022-09-30
Not Available
Professional Masters, PUBLIC POLICY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONPOLSMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. -Tuition Fee: 600,000 CFA per year.2022-09-30
Not Available
PhD, POLITICAL SCIENCEPOLSPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster of Science in Political Science (MSc) or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission Fees: 50,000Frs2022-09-30
Not Available
Professional Masters in Public AdministrationPMPAMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Tuition: 500,000FRS CFA per year.2022-09-30
Not Available
Professional Masters in Mediation, Negotiation and Peace Building36Master Degree Program2 years-Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Tuition: 500,000FRS CFA per year2022-09-30
Not Available
PhD In LawLAWPhd Degree Program3 years A good LLM or MSc respectively. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Public LawPULPhd Degree Program3 yearsMaster of Laws Degree (LLM). Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
Professional masters in Executive Studies in Business Negotiations and Contract ManagementBCMMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Law degree or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Tuition: 500,000FRS CFA per year2021-10-08
Not Available
Professional Masters in Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law; PMEPMLMaster Degree Program1 years-Bachelor of Law degree or equivalent in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Fees: 500,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Political SciencePOLLMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Professional Masters Degrees in a related field with a B.Sc. in Political Science or any other related fields. Registration: 25,000Frs Tuition: 500,000FRS2021-10-08
Not Available
Political Sociology and Anthropology PSAMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Political Science (BSc) or equivalent, in the related field or as may be specifically defined by the Department at the time of admission. Fees: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
LL.M, BUSINESS LAWBLWMaster Degree Program2 yearsPOSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES - Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. - For the PhD in Law and Political Science, a good LLM or MSc respectively. 2020-12-03
Not Available
LLM, INTERNATIONAL LAW (Masters)ILWMaster Degree Program2 yearsPOSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES - Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. - For the PhD in Law and Political Science, a good LLM or MSc respectively. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Professional Masters in Natural Resource LawEPLWMaster Degree Program2 years - Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. Tuition Fee: 300,000 CFA per year2020-12-03
Not Available
mscBCMMaster Degree Program2 years*2020-12-03
Not Available
LLM ADMINISTRATIVE LITIGATIONSPULMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be 2020-12-03
Not Available
LLM, PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAWPULMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be 2020-12-03
Not Available
MSc, ANTHROPOLOGICAL POLITICS POLSMaster Degree Program2 years- Bachelor Degree (LLM) in the related field - Minimum of Second Class Lower Division in Law and Political Science as the case may be. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Capacite en DroitCAPABachelor Degree Program2 years- Four ordinary level papers obtained in one sitting. - BEPC, CAP, Probatoire or Equivalence, with a pass in English language. Tuition Fee: 150,000 CFA per year.2020-12-03
Not Available
LLM IN BUSINESS LAWBLAWMaster Degree Program2 years- LL.B (Hons) in Public law, second class lower - LL.B (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2020-10-19
Not Available
LLM PROPERTY LAWPLAWMaster Degree Program2 years- LL.B (Hons) in Public law, second class lower - LL.B (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2020-10-19
Not Available
LLM IN REGIONAL INTERGRATIONRLAWMaster Degree Program2 years- LL.B (Hons) in Public law, second class lower - LL.B (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2020-10-19
Not Available
LL.B Public LawPULBachelor Degree Program3 yearsFour ordinary level papers excluding Religious Studies but including English language - BEPC and Probatoire with a pass in English language -Two advanced level subjects in one sitting excluding religious studies -Baccalaureate. - Holders of a Capacité en Droit Fees: 50,000frs 2020-10-19
Not Available
LL.M. in Public LawLL.M PULLMaster Degree Program2 years- LL.B (Hons) in Public law, second class lower - LL.B (Hons) in Private law depending on the electives and minors of the candidates - Licence en Droit Public with at least an Assez-Bien - PGD in Law degree or Maîtrise in Law Tuition Fee: 50.000 CFA per year2020-10-19
Not Available
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
BSc, Biochemistry (Medical Laboratory Technology)BCHSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsBesides the general University admissions requirements, candidates must have passed at least 2 GCE Advanced Level subjects, one in Biology, Botany, Zoology or Human Biology, and the other in Chemistry. The Baccalaureate series C and D are also acceptable. A pass in at least the Ordinary Level Mathematics or equivalent is mandatory. Fees: 50,000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in BiochemistryBCHSMaster Degree Program2 yearsBesides all other criteria that shall be specified by the Postgraduate School of UBa, applicants must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Biochemistry or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0. Applications must be accompanied by at least two recommendation letters from staff who are familiar with the candidate’s work at the undergraduate level. Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Biochemistry (Food and Nutritional Biochemistry)BCHSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsBesides the general University admissions requirements, candidates must have passed at least 2 GCE Advanced Level subjects, one in Biology, Botany, Zoology or Human Biology, and the other in Chemistry. The Baccalaureate series C and D are also acceptable. A pass in at least the Ordinary Level Mathematics or equivalent is mandatory. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, ChemistryCHMSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsBesides the general University admissions requirements, candidates seeking to read for a BSc degree in Chemistry must have pass grades in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the GCE O' level. At the GCE A' level, they must possess good pass grades in at least two science subjects, one of which must be Chemistry (minimum D grade). Candidates with equivalent certificates will also be considered. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in ChemistryCHMSMaster Degree Program2 yearsIn addition to all other criteria that shall be specified by the Postgraduate School (PG), applicants for admission must have bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with at least a Second-class Honours. That is, candidates with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50/4.00 may be considered, subject to the number of places available. Candidates with other backgrounds may be considered for admission. Depending on the candidate’s background and desired specialty, the Department may prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of registration of the candidate. All applications must be accompanied by at least two recommendation letters from staff who are familiar with the candidate’s work at the undergraduate level. FEES: 50,000Frs All applications must be accompanied by at least two recommendation letters from staff who are familiar with the candidate’s work at the undergraduate level. 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, GeologyGLYSBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • Must have pass grades in at least 4 subjects including Mathematics, at the GCE O' level. • A pass in any two of these subjects at A/L GCE:Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Geology or a pass in the Baccalaureat D for French speaking students. • Candidates with equivalent certificates will also be considered. NB: Fees structure: 50,000 FRSCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Environmental ScienceENVSBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • Must have pass grades in at least 4 subjects including Mathematics, at the GCE O' level. • A pass in any two of these subjects at A/L GCE:Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geology and Geography or a pass in the Baccalaureat D for French speaking students. Candidates with equivalent certificates will also be considered. NB: Fees Structure: 50,000FRSCFA.2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Geoscience (Option: Petroleum Geoscience)MPGMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must be holders of Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Mining or Environmental Sciences or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a scale of 4. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in APPLIED GEOLOGY (Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration ONLY)GLYSMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must be holder of Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Mining and Environmental Sciences or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc in Geoscience (Micropaleontology/Biostratigraphy)GLYSMaster Degree Program2 yearsadmissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must be holder of Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Physics,Mining and Environmental Sciences or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Mathematics and StatisticsMASTBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfill all general admissions requirements of UBa. • D grade in Mathematics at the GCE A’ Level (or equivalent) or a special recommendation of the Department Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Mathematics (with minor Computer Science)MATSBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • D grade in Mathematics at the GCE A’ Level (or equivalent) or a special recommendation of the Department Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Combined Mathematics and Computer ScienceMACSBachelor Degree Program4 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • D grade in Mathematics at the GCE A’ Level (or equivalent) or a special recommendation of the Department Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Pure MathematicsPMATBachelor Degree Program3 yearsPass at GCE A/L , Pass in AL Mathematics , At least 3 AL Points, Pass in GCE O/L including Mathematics and English Language, OR Probatoire Average=11/20, English Language at Probatoire/BACC Average :10/20, BACC “C” Average :10/20 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Applied MathematicsMATSBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • Must have pass grades in Mathematics at the GCE O' level. • A pass at the GCE A' level with good grades in at least two science subjects; one of which must be Mathematics (minimum D grade). • Candidates with equivalent certificates will also be considered. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS MATSMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Scienceof the University of Bamenda. • Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics; or Physics with a minor in Mathematics. The required degree classification should be at least a second class honours (lower division) or equivalent. Fees : 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Physics PHYSBachelor Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of UBa. • Must have pass grades in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the GCE O' level. • A pass at the GCE A' level with good grades in at least two science subjects; one of which must be Physics (minimum D grade). • Candidates with equivalent certificates will also be considered. Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Physics (Option: Theoretical Physics)MPHYMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Scienceof the University of Bamenda. • Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics; Engineering; or Mathematics with a minor in Physics. The required degree classification should be at least a second class honours (lower division) or equivalent. Fees: 50,000Frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc IN PHYSICS WITH SPECIALTY: GEOPHYSICSMPHYMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics; Engineering; or Mathematics with a minor in Physics. The required degree classification should be at least a second class honours (lower division) or equivalent. Fees: 50,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Microbiology (Minor: medical Laboratory Technology)MCBSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsA pass in any two of these subjects at A’ levels Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Mathematics, Geology, geography, Food Science and Nutrition or a pass in the Baccalaureate D for French speaking students. 4 GCE O/L subjects including Mathematics and English Language. Fees: 50,000FRS Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Applied Parasitology and Vector BiologyAPASMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Zoology, Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Science and Biochemistry or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc Microbiology MCBSMaster Degree Program2 yearsAdmission into the programme shall be open to graduates from any recognized University, who have been admitted to the Bachelor of Science Degree with at least a Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Science, Zoology, Doctor of Medicine or related disciplines. Candidates admitted to the programme shall be required to register for a minimum of 120 credits. - FEES: 50,000 CFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Applied BotanyBOTSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsTo be admitted into the B.Sc. Applied Botany programme, applicants must have A pass in any two of these subjects at A’ levels Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Mathematics, and Geology, geography or a pass in the Baccalaureat D for French speaking students. 4 GCE O/L subjects including Mathematics and English Language. Fees: 50,000FRS.2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Applied BotanyABOTMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Botany, or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc, Applied Zoology (Minor Medical Laboratory Technology)ZOOSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsFor undergraduate admission, candidates must have passed in any two of these subjects at A’ levels Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Mathematics, and Geology, geography or a pass in the Baccalaureate D for French speaking students. 4 GCE O/L subjects including Mathematics and English Language. Fees 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Applied Zoology (Option: Animal Physiology)PHYSMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Zoology, or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
BSc. Applied Zoology (Minor Animal Production)AZAPBachelor Degree Program3 yearsFor undergraduate admission, candidates must have passed in any two of these subjects at A’ levels Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Mathematics, and Geology, geography or a pass in the Baccalaureate D for French speaking students. 4 GCE O/L subjects including Mathematics and English Language. Fees 50,000FRS CFA2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Masters in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Option: NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT)NEREMMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • .Candidates must be holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Geography, Geology, Petroleum Engineering and related disciplines including B-Tech, with a minimum GPA of 2.60. NB: Fees Structure: 600,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Option: URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT) UIWMMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • .Candidates must be holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Geography, Geology, Petroleum Engineering and related disciplines including B-Tech, with a minimum GPA of 2.60. NB: Fees Structure: 600,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Option: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT)OHSMMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must be holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Geology and related disciplines including B-Tech, with a minimum GPA of 2.60. Candidates must have fulfilled all the requirements for admission into the Faculty of Science. NB:Fees Structure: 600,000FRS CFA2024-10-16
Not Available
MSc in Geoscience (Petrology and Geochemistry)GLYSMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must be holder of Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Physics,Mining and Environmental Sciences or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in Medical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesMIDSMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Zoology, Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Science, Medicine`and Biochemistry or related disciplines (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda FEES: 350,000FRS2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in Food and Industrial MicrobiologyFIMSMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Food Sciences, or related disciplines (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees: 350,000frs2024-10-16
Not Available
BSc in Biomedical SciencesBMSSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAt least five papers in GCE Ordinary level including English and Mathematics and two papers in GCE Advanced level passes with at least one in Biology. - FEES: 50000 CFA 2024-09-30
Not Available
Applied Zoology (Option Entomology)ENTMMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Zoology, or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000frs2024-09-30
Not Available
Professional Masters in Biodiversity Conservation and ManagementBCMSMaster Degree Program2 yearsi). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology, Microbiology. Medical Laboratory Science, Biochemistry, Human Geography, Natural/ Environmental Sciences etc (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000frs2023-10-12
Not Available
PROFESSIONAL MASTER PROGRAMME IN MEDICINAL PLANTSMPPSMaster Degree Program2 yearsAdmission into the programme shall be open to graduates from any recognized University. For admission into the MSc degree programme, candidates must possess a good B.Sc. degree or equivalent (Cumulative GPA=2.0 on a scale of 4) in Applied Botany or a related field. The programme may proceed to conduct a selection test and interview on the advice of the University. Also, someone from a related biological science programme can take remedial courses (one per semester) to make up for his or her background in Botany (such courses are not counted as part of the MSc course work). - FEES: 400,000 CFA 2023-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D. in Petroleum GeosciencePPGPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates for the Ph.D. Programmes shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda, for example, candidates must: (i) Hold a good Master Degree in Geology, Geophysics and other relevant Geoscience discipline of the University of Bamenda or other Universities approved by Senate; (ii) Submit a Ph.D project proposal acceptable to the Departmental Scientific Board. 2022-10-30
Not Available
MSc, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICSPSTATMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelors Degree in Mathematics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Bachelors Degree in a Mathematical Science with a Minor in Statistics with a GPA of at least 3 FEES: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
Ph.D. in Applied botany (Two Options available)ABOTSPhd Degree Program3 years(i). Candidates for the Ph.D. Programme shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. (ii) Hold a good MSc Degree in Applied Botany or Plant Biology with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (iii) Some candidates may be prescribed remedial MSc courses depending on their backgrounds Fees: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
MSc. APPLIED MATHEMATICSAMATMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor of Science in Mathematics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Bachelor’s degree in a Mathematics-related science with a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 and the consent of the Department FEES: 50,000FRS2022-09-30
Not Available
Ph.D. in Biochemistry (Minor in Food and Nutritional Biochemistry)BCHSPhd Degree Program3 years(i). Candidates for the Ph.D. Programme shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. (ii) Hold a good MSc Degree in Biochemistry or other relevant biological or chemical discipline, with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (iii) Some candidates may be prescribed remedial MSc courses depending on their backgrounds and desired specialities. Fees: 50,000FRS 2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. in ChemistryPCHMPhd Degree Program3 yearsTo be admitted into the PhD degree programme, the applicant must hold a Master’s Degree in Chemistry with a GPA of at least 2.50 on a scale of 4.00. Depending on their backgrounds, candidates may be required to register for other courses to remedy deficiencies, if necessary. Fees: 50,000Frs2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. in APPLIED GEOLOGY (Option: PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE)PETGEOPhd Degree Program3 years• Candidates for the Ph.D. Programmes shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda, for example, candidates must: • (i) Hold a good Master Degree in Geology, Geophysics and other relevant Geoscience discipline of the University of Bamenda or other Universities approved by Senate; • (ii) Submit a Ph.D project proposal acceptable to the Departmental Scientific Board. • However, the Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and/or interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the background of a candidate and the specialty sort for, it may be necessary to prescribe remedial courses at lower levels but the total credit value must not exceed twelve (12) at the time of first registration of the candidate. Relevant courses obtained by a candidate at the M.Sc. level with less than a ‘B’ grade will be repeated. NB: Fees Structure: 50,000FRS CFA 2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. in APPLIED GEOLOGY (Option: Economic Geology and Petrology)ECONGEOPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates for the Ph.D. Programmes shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda, for example, candidates must: (i) Hold a good Master Degree in Geology, Geophysics and other relevant Geoscience discipline of the University of Bamenda or other Universities approved by Senate; (ii) Submit a Ph.D project proposal acceptable to the Departmental Scientific Board. Fees: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS POBSPhd Degree Program3 years• Master’s degree in Probability/Statistics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Master’s degree in a related Mathematical Science with a GPA of at least 3. Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. in Physics (Option: Theoretical Physics)PPHYPhd Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Must hold a Master’s Degree in Physics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Master’s degree in related physical Sciences with a GPA of at least 2.5. Fees: 50,000frs2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD IN PHYSICS WITH SPECIALTY: GEOPHYSICSPHYSPhd Degree Program3 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Must hold a Master’s Degree in Geophysics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Master’s degree in related physical Sciences with a GPA of at least 2.5. FEES: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
Ph.D. In Applied Parasitology and Vector BiologyPARSPhd Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates for the Ph.D. Programme shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. (ii) Hold a good MSc Degree in Applied Parasitology or any related field with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (iii) Some candidates may be prescribed remedial MSc courses depending on their background Fees 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Microbiology MCBSPhd Degree Program3 years- PhD programme in Microbiology is addressed to graduates in Microbiology or in a related area with a good M.Sc. degree or equivalent (Cumulative GPA=2.5 on a scale of 4) in Biology, Medicine, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Biology, Pharmacy, Food Science and Technology, Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Science. The programme may proceed to conduct a selection test and interview on the advice of the University. - FEES: 50000 CFA 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD IN APPLIED ZOOLOGYZOOS Phd Degree Program3 yearsFor admission into the PhD degree programme, candidates must possess a good M.Sc. degree or equivalent (Cumulative GPA=2.5 on a scale of 4) in Zoology or a related field. The programme may proceed to conduct a selection test and interview on the advice of the University. Also someone from a related biological science programme can take remedial courses (one per semester) to make up for his or her background in Zoology (such courses are not counted as part of the PhD course work). - FEES: 50000 CFA 2022-07-28
Not Available
MSc, GEOSCIENCE GSCMaster Degree Program2 years• Candidates must fulfil all general admissions requirements of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes, of the Faculty of Science of the University of Bamenda. • Candidates must be holder of Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Petroleum Engineering, Physics,Mining and Environmental Sciences or related disciplines with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Fees: 50,000frs 2021-02-01
Not Available
Professional Masters in Environmental Science NERMMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates must be holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Geology or related disciplines including B-Tech, with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a scale of 4. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Professional Masters in Industrial and Urban Waste ManagementIUWMMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must be holders of a Bachelors degree, a Bachelor of Science degree, a Bachelor of Technology, or equivalent degree in the related field.2020-12-03
Not Available
Ph.D. in Applied GeologyDRAGPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates for the Ph.D. Programme in Applied Geology shall be holders of a Master’s Degree in Geology, Geophysics or any other related Geoscience discipline with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Depending on the background and the desired specialty, the candidate may be required to take some remedial M.Sc. courses. 2020-12-03
Not Available
Ph.D. in Probability and Statistics POBSPhd Degree Program4 yearsCandidates must be holders of a Master’s degree in Probability/Statistics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Master’s degree in a related Mathematical Science with a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4.2020-12-03
Not Available
MicrobiologyMBIOBachelor Degree Program3 years GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence. GCE O/L in at least five (5) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence.2020-12-03
Not Available
Professional Masters in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management BDCMMaster Degree Program2 years(i). Candidates must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology, Microbiology. Medical Laboratory Science, Biochemistry, Human Geography, Natural/ Environmental Sciences etc (ii). Candidates shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda. REGISTRATION FEE: 25,000 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 550,000FCFA2020-12-03
Not Available
Applied botany (Two Options available)ABOTSPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates for the Ph.D. Programme (i) Hold a good Master of science Degree in Botany, or Plant Science or any relevant discipline (ii) Submit a Ph.D project proposal acceptable to the Departmental Scientific Board. Fees: 50,000FRS1970-01-01
Not Available
PhD in Biochemistry (Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology)BCHSPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates who hold a good Master’s degree in the appropriate biological or chemical science discipline shall be eligible for enrolment into the Ph.D programme in Biochemistry. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and/or interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the candidate's background and desired speciality the Programme may prescribe remedial M.Sc courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate into the programme. Tuition: 50,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
PhD in Biochemistry (Minor in Clinical Biochemistry and Medical Laboratory Technologies))BCHSPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates who hold a good Master’s degree in the appropriate biological or chemical science discipline shall be eligible for enrolment into the Ph.D programme in Biochemistry. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and/or interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the candidate's background and desired speciality the Programme may prescribe remedial M.Sc courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate into the programme. Tuition: 50,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
PhD in Biochemistry (Minor in Biotechnology)BCHSPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates who hold a good Master’s degree in the appropriate biological or chemical science discipline shall be eligible for enrolment into the Ph.D programme in Biochemistry. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and/or interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the candidate's background and desired speciality the Programme may prescribe remedial M.Sc courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate into the programme. Tuition 50,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
THERMAL ENGINEERINGTEBachelor Degree Program3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 420,000FRS0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
MBA in Accounting and FinanceMBAAFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Accounting and Finance or an equivalent. With at least a grade of second class lower division PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Accounting and Finance ACFMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for NINE months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Accounting and Finance ECFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for TWO Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Accounting and FinanceEMAFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Face to Face Learning Programme . Fees/Year: 750,000FRS leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Accounting and FinanceMACFMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Accounting and Finance or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Accounting and Finance MACCFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Accounting and Finance or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Insuranceand SecurityINSCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor degree in Law, Economics, Insurance, Management or any other equivalent recognised by the ministry of Higher Education FEES: 400,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Insuranceand SecurityINSC6Master Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Insurance or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Insurance and SecurityEISEMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Insurance and SecurityMINSEMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Actuarial ScienceMBAASMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematical Science/Statistics/Engineering/Commerce/Computer Science/Physics/Insurance etc Fees 400,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in MarketingMBAMMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must have a BBA or BSc in Marketing or other equivalents. With at least a grade of second class lower division. PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Digital MarketingEDMKMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for NINE months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Digital MarketingEMDMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Digital MarketingEDIMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) Fees/Year: 750,000FRS.2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Digital MarketingMDMKMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a grade of second class lower division PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Digital MarketingMBADMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Digital marketingMBDMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Real Estate ManagementMBAREFMaster Degree Program2 yearsBachelor's Degree in any stream from recognized institution by the Ministry of Higher Education Registration: 50,000frs Fees: 400,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Development FinanceDEFC6Master Degree Program2 yearsRelevant first degree equivalent recognised by the ministry of Higher Education in Economics, business related and non-business related (with at least 2 years of working experience) disciplines Fees: 400,000Frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Bank ManagementBAMCBachelor Degree Program2 yearsRelevant first degree or equivalent recognized by the ministry of Higher Education in Economics or any business related discipline. Fees: 400,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Bank Management EBAMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Bank ManagementEBMAMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Bank Management EBAMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Development FinanceEDFINMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Development FinanceEMDFMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Development FinanceEMDFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Bank ManagementMBMMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Economics or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Bank Management MBAMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Economics or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Deleopment FinanceMDFINMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Economics or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Development financeMDEFMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Economics or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Development Finance MDEVFMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Economics or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Management and EntrepreneurshipMBMGTMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants Must have a BBA or BSc in Management or other equivalents. With at least a grade of second class lower division. PROGRAMME FEE:400,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
Executive MBA in Management and EntrepreneurshipMGTCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Management and EntrepreneurshipEMENMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA in Management and EntrepreneurshipEMENMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Management and EntrepreneurshipMBMEMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Management or its equivalent with at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Management and EntrepreneurshipMGEMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Management or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Project ManagementMGTMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field with at least a grade of second class lower division PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Information and Communication ManagementMIMCMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants Must have a BBA or BSc in Insurance and Security or other equivalents. With at least a grade of second class lower division PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
Executive MBA in Information and Communication ManagementIMCCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year 2024-10-19
Not Available
Executive MBA in Human Resource ManagementHRMCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
Executive MBA in Local Government ManagementLGMCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Human Resource ManagementHRMCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management or other equivalents, with at least three years working experience in any organization. Fees/Year: 400,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA in Executive Secretariat DutiesMESAMaster Degree Program2 yearsBavheor Degree in Executive Secretariat Duties or Information Management and Communication Registration - 50,000frs Fees: 400,000frs 2024-10-19
Not Available
Executive MBA in Human Resource ManagementEMHRMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Human Resource ManagementEMHURMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENTELGMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Local Government Management EMLGMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Project ManagementEMPMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA Project ManagementEMPMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
EMBA PROJECT MANAGEMENTEPRMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Human Resource Management MHRMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Human Resource ManagementMHRMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA HUMAN Resource Management HRMBAMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field with at least a grade of second class lower division PROGRAMME FEE: 400,000FCFA/Yea2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Local Government Management MLGMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Local Government ManagementMBLGMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Local Government ManagementMLGMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Project Management MBPMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant Field. with at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Project ManagementMPMAMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in Marketing or an equivalent. With at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Information and communation Management ICMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field with at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 500,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA with Thesis or Dissertation)2024-10-19
Not Available
MBA Information and communation ManagementMICNMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a BBA or BSc. in any relevant field with at least a Grade of Second Class Lower Division. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 600,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE MBA (That is MBA without Thesis or Dissertation) 2024-10-19
Not Available
Marketing (D)MKHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-10-16
Not Available
Insurance and SecurityINSCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntrance is through competitive exams *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. Fees/Year: 50,000Frs2024-09-30
Not Available
EMBA Information and Communication Management EMICMMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,000,000FRS for Two Years leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation)2023-11-10
Not Available
EMBA Information and Communication ManagementEICMMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2023-11-10
Not Available
EMBA Insurance and SecurityEMISMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is a Two Years Face to Face Learning Programme leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA with Thesis or dissertation) FEES/TUITION: 750,000FRS/Year2023-08-15
Not Available
EMBA Insurance and SecurityEINSMaster Degree Program1 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in any Field of study from an acceptable University with at least three years working experience in an organization. This is an ONLINE LEARNING Programme under The University of Bamenda E-Learning Platform Fees/Year: 1,200,000FRS for Nine Months leading to a POSTGRADUATE EMBA (That is EMBA without Thesis or dissertation)2023-08-15
Not Available
BBA in Accounting and FinanceAFNBachelor Degree Program3 years Entry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in at least Five papers excluding religion, and including: Economics, English and Mathematics ”O” Levels; Good grades in minimum two papers in the A’ Levels examinations of the Cameroon GCE or its equivalent.2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA. Insurance INSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in at least Five papers excluding religion, and including: Economics, English and Mathematics ”O” Levels; Good grades in minimum two papers in the A’ Levels examinations of the Cameroon GCE or its equivalent.2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA Marketing (Distribution and Logistics Management)MKT-DLBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. .Fees/Year: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA Marketing (Prospecting, Selling and Customer Care)MKT-PSCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. .Fees/Year: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA Marketing (Communications and Public Relations)MKT-CPMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. .Fees/Year: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA Marketing (Digital Marketing)MKT-DMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. .Fees/Year: 50,000FRS2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA. Money and BankingMABBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in at least Five papers excluding religion, and including: Economics, English and Mathematics ”O” Levels; Good grades in minimum two papers in the A’ Levels examinations of the Cameroon GCE or its equivalent.2022-10-30
Not Available
BBA Management and EntrepreneurishipMGTBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. Fees: 50,000/year2022-10-30
Not Available
Executive Secretariat DutiesESSCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, GCE A/L at least 2 papers (including Economics or related subject) obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or the Equivalence, GCE O/L in at least five subjects including English Language or probatoire with a pass mark in English or it Equivalence2022-10-30
Not Available
Human Resource ManagementHMRCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in GCEA/L at least 2 papers (including Economics or related subject) obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or the Equivalence, GCE O/L in at least five subjects including English Language or probatoire with a pass mark in English or it Equivalence2022-10-30
Not Available
Project ManagementPMGCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in GCEA/L at least 2 papers (including Economics or related subject) obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or the Equivalence, GCE O/L in at least five subjects including English Language or probatoire with a pass mark in English or it Equivalence2022-10-30
Not Available
Logistic ManagementLGTCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in GCEA/L at least 2 papers (including Economics or related subject) obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or the Equivalence, GCE O/L in at least five subjects including English Language or probatoire with a pass mark in English or it Equivalence2022-09-24
Not Available
Supply Chain ManagementSCMCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in GCEA/L at least 2 papers (including Economics or related subject) obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or the Equivalence, GCE O/L in at least five subjects including English Language or probatoire with a pass mark in English or it Equivalence2022-09-24
Not Available
Executive MBA EMBAMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must be holders of a Bachelors degree in the related field. REGISTRATION FEE: 50,000 FCFA INSURANCE AND CAUTION FEE 1st Year: 18,700 FCFA PROGRAMME FEE: 1,250,000 FCFA2021-01-21
Not Available
Auditing and InvestigationECCCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000FRS2021-01-12
Not Available
P Masters Accounting and FinanceAFNMaster Degree Program2 years*Must have a BBA or BSc. in Accounting and Finance or an equivalent. With at least a grade of second class lower division Fees/Year: 600,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Environmental AccountingECCCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Tax AccountingECCCBachelor Degree Program4 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Public Sector AccountingECCCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000Frs2020-12-03
Not Available
Managerial AccountingECCCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Finance and Forensic AccountingECCCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsMinimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics have an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English Language at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by The University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Exacutive MBA in Data AnalysisACCCMaster Degree Program2 years*Must have a good Bachelor’s degree in Data Analysis or other equivalents, with at least three years working experience in an organisation. Fees/Year: 2,500,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Executive MBA in Microfinance MICCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in Microfinance or other equivalent, with at least three years working experience in an organisation. Fees/Year: 2,500,000frs2020-12-03
Not Available
BBA MarketingMKTBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is by a competitive entrance examination, eligibility is gained by obtaining good grades in at least Five papers excluding religion, and including: Economics, English and Mathematics ”O” Levels; Good grades in minimum two papers in the A’ Levels examinations of the Cameroon GCE or its equivalent.2020-12-03
Not Available
Executive MBA in MarketingMKTCMaster Degree Program2 yearsMust have a good Bachelor’s degree in Marketing or other equivalents, with at least three years working experience in an organisation. Fees/Year: 2,500,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Inventory and Supply Chain ManagementMGTCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntrance is through Competitive Exams *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. Fees/Year: 50,000Frs2020-12-03
Not Available
Project ManagementMGTCBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntrance is through Competitive Exams *Minimum of 4 GCE O/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge. Candidates with English language and Mathematics or Probatoire B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics has an additional advantage. Candidates who failed English at the O/L could be admitted after passing the intensive English proficiency course organized by the University of Bamenda at the beginning of each academic year. *Minimum of 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalaureate B, C, D, E, G2 and industrial series. Candidates without O/L Mathematics may be admitted, but they must pass the O/L Mathematics before graduation. Fees/Year: 50,000Frs2020-12-03
Not Available
BBA Information and Communication ManagementBICDBachelor Degree Program3 yearsEntry is through Competitive Entrance Examination0000-00-00
Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
MSc. in TRANSPORTATIONTRPTMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelor Degree (minimum of Second Class) or equivalent from the following disciplines: Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Management, Accounting, Urban Planning, Geography, and any other course relevant to the subject matter deemed necessary by HITL. Fees/Year: 600,000FCFA2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Port and Shipping ManagementSHPTMaster Degree Program2 yearsA Bachelor Degree- 3 years full-time- (minimum of Second Class) or equivalent professional qualification from one of the following disciplines: Maritime Transport, Ports and Shipping Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Transport, Management, Marketing, Economics, Accountancy, and any other course relevant to the subject matter deemed necessary by HITL. Fees/Year: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
Not Available
MSc. in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementLSMMaster Degree Program2 yearsThree (03) years Full-time recognized Bachelor Degree (Second class minimum) or equivalent professional qualification from the following disciplines: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Transport, Management, Marketing, Economics, Accountancy and other course relevant to the subject matter deemed necessary by HITL. Fees/Year: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-19
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Professional Masters in Tourism and cultural Heritage DevelopmentTMDRMaster Degree Program2 yearsThree (03) years Full-time recognized Bachelor Degree (Second class minimum) or equivalent professional qualification from the following disciplines: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Transport, Management, Marketing, Economics, Accountancy and other course relevant to the subject matter deemed necessary by HITL. Fees/Year: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-16
Not Available
Professional Masters in Tourism and Sustainable Environmental ManagementTMDRMaster Degree Program2 yearsThree (03) years Full-time recognized Bachelor Degree (Second class minimum) or equivalent professional qualification from the following disciplines: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Transport, Management, Marketing, Economics, Accountancy and other course relevant to the subject matter deemed necessary by HITL. Fees/Year: 600,000FCFA 2024-10-16
Not Available
BSc Tourism and Hospitality ManagementTHMBachelor Degree Program3 yearsThrough Entrance Exams holders of 2 GCE A/L papers or Baccalauréat of adequate series or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education in addition to 4 GCE O/L papers or Probatoire with a pass in English2024-09-30
Not Available
BSc TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTTRLGBachelor Degree Program1 years###2023-10-12
Not Available
BSc Maritime TransportMTBachelor Degree Program3 yearsThrough Entrance Exam • Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English. • Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series. 2022-09-12
Not Available
BSc CustomsCUSBachelor Degree Program3 yearsENTRANCE EXAMS• Minimum 4 GcE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English. • Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series. 2022-09-10
Not Available
BSc Land TransportLTBachelor Degree Program3 yearsAdmission is through Competitive Entrance. Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academie Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English. • Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry series.2022-09-10
Not Available
BSc Transit and LogisticsTLBachelor Degree Program3 yearsThrough Entrance Exams • Minimum 4 GCE O/L papers including English and Mathematics or Economies and any other excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire B, C, D, E, STT and industry series with a pass in English and Mathematics. Pass in the University of Bamenda intensive English Course organised at the beginning of each Academic Year is accepted for candidates who failes GCE Ordinary Level English. • Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers excluding Religious Knowledge or Baccalauréat B, C, D, E, STT and industry serie2022-09-10
Not Available
BSc SHIPPING MANAGEMENTSHPTBachelor Degree Program1 years###2020-12-03
Not Available
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Not Available

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
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M-Tech in Urban Planning and Surveys EngineeringMUPSMaster Degree Program2 yearsCANDIDATES MUST BE HOLDERS OF BACHELOR DEGREE IN THE RELATED AREA OR ITS EQUIVALENT FEES: 520,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Judicial Career/LawJC/LHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; Fees: 320,000frs2021-11-30
Not Available
Development StudiesDSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 320,000FRS 2021-11-30
Not Available
Biomedical ElectronicsBEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 420,000FRS2023-10-12
Not Available
Metal ConstructionMTCHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2024-11-30
Not Available
Mechanical ManufacturingMEMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2023-10-12
Not Available
HND Food TechnologyHFTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2021-11-30
Not Available
Didactics, Curriculum Development and TeachingDD,CDTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 320,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
Educational Management and AdministrationEPAHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 400,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
Guidance and CounsellingCCHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 400,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
Special EducationSEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 400,000FES2023-10-12
Not Available
JournalismJHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2023-10-12
Not Available
Marketing Trade and SalesMKTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS 2021-11-30
Not Available
Banking and FinanceB/FHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2020-12-03
Not Available
ManagementMGTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2021-01-21
Not Available
Human Resource ManagementHRMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2021-12-10
Not Available
HND, Civil Engineering DesignCEDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD. FEES: 320,000frs2024-11-30
Not Available
HND. Urban Planning and SurveyUPSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND Joinery and Cabinet makingJOCHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMEPS.Higher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
(HND) RENEWABLE ENERGYREHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, NursingNSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 320,000FRS per academic year (330,000FRS for first year students) Medicals and Insurance: 6700 FRS per academic year (8700FRS for first year students)2024-12-31
Not Available
HND, Medical Laboratory SciencesMLSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 320,000FRS per academic year (330,000FRS for first year students) Medicals and Insurance: 6700 FRS per academic year (8700FRS for first year students)2024-12-31
Not Available
HND, Bakery and Food Processing..B.F.PHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Fashion Design, Clothing and TextilesFCTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Travel Agency, Tourism and Operations ManagementTATOMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2023-11-29
Not Available
HND, Software EngineeringSWEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Public Works and Surveying EngineeringPWSEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Environmental TechnologyETHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Logistics and Transport ManagementLTMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, AccountancyACCHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND Ports and Shipping ManagmentPSMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES:420,000FRS 2024-11-30
Not Available
Marketing (D)MKHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-10-16
Not Available
HND Public Service and AdministrationPSAHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
Development StudiesDSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2022-12-23
Not Available
BTECH Insurance LawISLHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 320,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
HND - Human Resource ManagementHRMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 320,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
UDT in Renewable Energy EngineeringUDT-REEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT in TelecommunicationUDT-TCEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
UDT in Data ScienceUDT-DASHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L, BACC, ATVE0000-00-00
Not Available
HND, SCIENCE OF EDUCATIONSEDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Banking and FinanceBFHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
University Diploma of Technology (UDT) in Electric Power EngineeringUDT-EPEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L2020-12-03
Not Available
University Diploma of Technology (UDT) in Electronic EngineeringUDT-ELEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsGCE A/L2020-12-03
Not Available
HND MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCEMLSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 yearsO/L AND A/L2020-01-01
Not Available
HND MIDWIFERYMIDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 320,000FRS per academic year (330,000FRS for first year students) Medicals and Insurance: 6700 FRS per academic year (8700FRS for first year students)2024-12-31
Not Available
Maintenance of Biomedical EquipmentsMBEHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 320,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
HND, Executive Secretarial StudiesESSHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, DIDACTIONDDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years2024-01-30
Not Available
HND METAL CONSTRUCTIONMTCHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES;420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, MANAGEMENTMGTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
MECHANICAL MANUFACTURINGMEMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES;320,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, Mechanical Fabrication MFHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
Forestry and Wildlife TechnologyFWTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)1 yearsRelevant HND, BTS, University Diploma of Technology, Senior Forestry/wildlife Technician diploma or an equivalent diploma Fees: 350,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
HND Information Communication TechnologyICTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsAdvanced Level Certificate2023-11-29
Not Available
UDT-Computer Networks and System MaintenanceCNSMHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS.0000-00-00
Not Available
ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM HNDEPS-HNDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-10-19
Not Available
Civil Engineering TechnologyCETHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2024-11-30
Not Available
HND CROP PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGYCRPTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
Food Technology HNDBTFTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND Agribusiness TechnologyHABTHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND Woodwork WWKHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2024-11-30
Not Available
Animal production Technology HNDAPTHNDHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
HND TelecommunicationsTELHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-01-30
Not Available
Management Assistance (Executive Secretariat Duties)MAHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
HND in Air Conditioning and RefrigirationACREHigher National DIploma(HND)/Higher Professional Diploma(HPD)2 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. FEES: 320,000frs2024-11-30
Not Available
BTECH Public Service and AdministrationPSABachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 320,000FRS 2024-11-30
Not Available
BACHELOR OF NURSING SCIENCES -BNSBBNSBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
Agribusiness Technology (Off)ABTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsRelevant HND, BTS, University Diploma of Technology, DIPET I or 2, or an equivalent diploma. Fees: 350,000 by study of files2021-11-30
Not Available
BTech Environmental engineeringEEEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsRelevant HND, BTS, University Diploma of Technology, DIPET I or 2, or an equivalent diploma Fees: 350,000 by study of files2021-11-30
Not Available
BTECH, SCIENCE OF EDUCATIONSEDBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
Computer Network and Systems MaintenanceCMNSMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsUniversity Diploma of Technology (UDT), HND and other equivalent Professional certificates/qualifications in computer engineering Fees: 50,000 by entrance exam and 350,000 by study of files2025-04-01Apply Now
BTech Electrical Power EngineeringELPEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
B.TECH IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGEEEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCOLTECH is open to all those who have sat and have been successful in the GCE O/L in five papers excluding religious knowledge but including Mathematics and English language. They must also be holders of GCE A/L in at least two papers in relevant fields. All other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Candidates will be selected based on annual competitive examinations with a predefined number of places for each programme2021-01-12
Not Available
BTECH, AccountancyACCBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 400,000frs2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech, Banking and FinanceBFBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
Juridicial Career/ LawJCLBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES:320,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech, Civil Engineering DesignCEDBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech. Urban Planning and SurveyUPSBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD. FEES: 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech WoodworkWWKBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES; 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech in Renewable Energy EngineeringBTECH-REEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsUniversity Diploma of Technology UDT in Renewable Energy Engineering2025-04-01Apply Now
B.TECH, RENEWABLE ENERGYREBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES; 420,000frs2025-04-01Apply Now
BTech in TelecommunicationsBTECH-TCEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsUniversity Diploma of Technology in Telecommunication0000-00-00
Not Available
B.Tech, Bakery and Food Processing.. BFPBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES; 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech, Fashion Design, Clothing and TextilesFCTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech, Information and Communication TechnologyICTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech, Public Works and Surveying EngineeringPWSEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES; 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech, MANAGEMENTMGTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech, MarketingMKBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsC• HND/HPD in Marketing-Trade-Sales, HND/HPD in E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HND/HPD in Advertising and Public Relations, HPD in any of the fields listed, or any other equivalent2024-11-30
Not Available
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (One year Conversion)MWBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsHND, ND in Medical Laboratory science or any related field Fees: 420,000 XAF | 1,000,000 XAF For Non-CEMAC citizens 2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech, Executive Secretarial StudiesESSBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Medical Laboratory Science (off)BMLSBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into BNS programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-01-31
Not Available
BTECH, BUILDING AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGBSEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD FEES: 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
Agro-Pastural AdviserAPABachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; Fees: 420,000frs2024-11-30
Not Available
HND, INSURANCEINBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
Agricultural Engeenering AEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES;420,000FRS2024-01-31
Not Available
AGRO-PASTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPAPEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES; 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech, TourismTOUBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD2024-11-30
Not Available
CROP PRODUCTIONCPBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
ANIMAL PRODUCTIONAPBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 420,000FRS2022-12-23
Not Available
MECHANICALENGINEERING PRODUCTIONMEPBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES;420,000FRS2023-11-28
Not Available
International TradeITBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
E-CommerceECBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
Air Conditioning and RefrigerationACRBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 420,000frs2021-11-30
Not Available
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (One Year Conversion) CNSMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: TheeHND / HPD in Nursing or any related field FEES; 420,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech Logistics and Transport ManagementBLTMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)3 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
UDT Software EngineeringCENBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)2 yearsCompetitive entrance examination Fees: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
B.Tech Ports and Shipping ManagementPSMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 400,000FRS2024-11-30
Not Available
B-Tech Software EngineeringCENBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsCandidates seeking admission into this program must have passed: 1. GCE O/L or Probatoire 2. GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or Equivalence, 3. Holders of the HND seeking admission into HPD shall present a copy of their HND 4. In addition to (1) and (2) above , those seeking admission into B.Tech programme shall present their HND or HPD Fees: 338,700Frs2024-11-30
Not Available
B.Tech in ManagementMGTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years#2021-01-12
Not Available
B.Tech in AcountingACCBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years#2021-01-12
Not Available
Medical Imaging TechnologyMITBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)4 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaure at or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; FEES: 420,000FRS2021-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH in Accounting and FinanceACFBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years• HND/HPD in Accounting, HND/HPD in Banking and Finance, HND/HPD in Accounting and Finance, HND/HPD in Tax Management, HPD in any of the listed fields, or other equivalents2021-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Money and BankingMOBABachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years• HND/HPD in Banking and Finance, HPD in Banking and Finance or any other equivalent2024-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Management and EntrepreneurshipMENTBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years• HND/HPD in Quality Management, Events Management, HND/HPD in Information System Management, HND/HPD in Risk Management, Management of Non-Governmental organisations, HPD in any of the fields listed, or any other equivalent 2021-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Human Resource ManagementHRSMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1) HND/HPD in Human Resource Management, (2) HND/HPD in Project Management, (3) HND/HPD in Assistant Manager, (4) HND/HPD in Transport and Logistics Management, HND/HPD in Supply Chain Management, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Ports and Shipping Management, or any other equivalent recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education 2024-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Project ManagementPRJMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1) HND/HPD in Human Resource Management, (2) HND/HPD in Project Management, (3) HND/HPD in Assistant Manager, (4) HND/HPD in Transport and Logistics Management, HND/HPD in Supply Chain Management, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Ports and Shipping Management, or any other equivalent recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education 2024-11-30
Not Available
B-TECH Executive Secretarial Duties (Assistant Manager)ESDBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1) HND/HPD in Human Resource Management, (2) HND/HPD in Project Management, (3) HND/HPD in Assistant Manager, (4) HND/HPD in Transport and Logistics Management, HND/HPD in Supply Chain Management, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Ports and Shipping Management, or any other equivalent recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education 2024-11-30
Not Available
B-Tech Logistics and Supply Chain Management LSCMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1) HND/HPD in Human Resource Management, (2) HND/HPD in Project Management, (3) HND/HPD in Assistant Manager, (4) HND/HPD in Transport and Logistics Management, HND/HPD in Supply Chain Management, Tourism and Travel Agency Management, Ports and Shipping Management, or any other equivalent recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education 2024-11-30
Not Available
B-Tech Insurance and SecurityINSEBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years• HND/HPD in Insurance 2024-11-30
Not Available
Bachelor of Midwifery Science (One year Conversion)HBMSBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 yearsApplicants must be holders of HND in Midwifery Fees: 420,000 XAF 2024-11-30
Not Available
BTech - Human Resource ManagementHRMBachelor of Technology Program (B.Tech)1 years1.GCE O/L or Probatoire; 2.GCE A/L in at least 2 subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureat or its Equivalence; 3.Holders of the HND seeking admission into the HPD shall present a copy of their HND; 4.In addition to (1) and (2) above, those seeking admission into the B-TECH programme shall present their HND or HPD; 2021-10-08
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
MSc in Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)COMEMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates with a GPA of at least 2.5 without working experience or a GPA of at least 2.0 with at least 3-year relevant working experience may be considered. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to -be supervisor who shall be any person satisfying the PG School criteria to supervise M.Sc. Thesis. In addition, decisions on eligibility will be taken by the Departmental Post Graduate Committee subject to approval by the NAPHI Post Graduate Board, the UBa Post Graduate School and Senate of The University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)COMEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Eng in Computer Engineering Fees: 50,000frs fees (50,000) CFA), and Training fees (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Computer Engineering (Option : Network and Security Engineering)COMEMaster Degree Program2 yearsCandidates with a GPA of at least 2.5 without working experience or a GPA of at least 2.0 with at least 3-year relevant working experience may be considered. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to -be supervisor who shall be any person satisfying the PG School criteria to supervise M.Sc. Thesis. In addition, decisions on eligibility will be taken by the Departmental Post Graduate Committee subject to approval by the NAPHI Post Graduate Board, the UBa Post Graduate School and Senate of The University of Bamenda. Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Computer Engineering (Option : Network and Security Engineering)COMEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Eng in Computer Engineering Fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Renewable Energy EngineeringREEMaster Degree Program2 years1.. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or related field with Remedial Course/Practical Work as determined by the department. 2. B. Eng. or BSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or related engineering field from other universities and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work or a combination from the foregoing. 3. Technical Teacher Diploma II (DIPET II) in Electronics or Electrotechnics or Air Conditioning and Refrigeration and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work, or a combination from the foregoing. FEES Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc. in Electric Power SystemsELPSMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must be holders of one of the following: 1. NAHPI B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or related field with Remedial Course/Practical Work as determined by the department. 2. B. Eng. or BSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or related engineering field from other universities or schools and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work or a combination from the foregoing FEES (50,000) CFA), and TUITION (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringMSC EEMaster Degree Program2 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 50,000FRS 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringEEEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holders of M.Eng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering FEES 50, 000 CFA2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc in Welding and Fabrication EngineeringWFEEMaster Degree Program2 years11. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree 2. B. Eng. from other universities and Remedial Course/Project/Industrial Attachment Work as determined by the department upon preliminary admission 3. Any other qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education as equivalent to the University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
M.Sc in Production and Maintenance Engineering MECEMaster Degree Program2 years1. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree 2. B. Eng. from other universities and Remedial Course/Project/Industrial Attachment Work as determined by the department upon preliminary admission 3. Any other qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education as equivalent to the University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters inWelding and Fabrication EngineeringWFEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: • B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering, or B.Eng. from other Universities and Remedial Course/Project/Industrial Attachment Work as determined by the department upon preliminary admission. Any other qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education as which is equivalent to the University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition fees (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Production and Maintenance EngineeringPMEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holders of MEng. Degree in Mechanical Engineering FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Option: Structural Engineering)CVLEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Eng in Civil Engineering Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Master in Civil Engineering (Option : Geotechnical Engineering)CVLEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of one of the following qualifications: At least a Second-Class Honours Lower Division Masters of Technology (M.Tech.) in civil engineering, Master’s degree (M.Eng.) in civil engineering, Masters of Technology (M.Tech.) in Geotechnics/Geology, Master’s degree (M.Eng.) in Geotechnics/Geology, Dipet II in civil engineering or other suitable discipline shall be required fees (50,000) CFA), and TUITION fees (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Petroleum EngineeringPETEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Eng in Petroleum Engineering FEES: 50,000FRS2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc in Mining EngineeringMINEMaster Degree Program2 yearsAdmission into the M. Eng in Mining and mineral Engineering program requires an undergraduate 4-year degree in Mining and Mineral Engineering (B. Eng in Mining and Mineral Engineering). Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion Masters in Mining EngineeringMINEMaster Degree Program1 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Eng in Mining and Mineral Engineering. Tuition: 50,000FR Caution: 10,000 Medical and Insurance: 8,700frs2024-10-19
Not Available
MSc. in Biotechnology (Option: Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)BTEEMaster Degree Program2 yearsAt least a Second-Class Honours Lower Division Bachelor’s Degree or the “Licence with mention Assez Bien” in our Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering programme, or in Biochemistry or Microbiology or Bioprocess Engineering or some other suitable discipline shall be required. Depending on the candidate's background and desired options the Department may prescribe remedial undergraduate courses not exceeding a total of 18 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate. Any relevant experience would be an advantage. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and interview whenever necessary. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc in BiotechnologyBTEEMaster Degree Program1 years1. M.Eng. degree in Biotechnology and/or Food Process Engineering or related field 2. Postgraduate diploma (DIPET II) and First degree in relevant field. Fees: 50,000frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Conversion MSc in Food Process EngineeringFPEEMaster Degree Program1 years1. M.Eng. degree in Biotechnology and/or Food Process Engineering or related field 2. Postgraduate diploma (DIPET II) and First degree in relevant field. Fees: 50,000Frs2024-10-19
Not Available
Professional Master in CybersecurityPMCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc, BTech, BEng, Licence Professionelle: Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic or professional training deemed equivalent Fees: 550,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2024-10-19
Not Available
Msc in Cybersecurity and Cryptology ( Applied Cryptology and Cybersecurity)MACMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2024-10-19
Not Available
Msc in Cybersecurity and Cryptology (Embedded systems security and Cryptology)MESCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2024-10-19
Not Available
Msc in cybersecurity and Cryptology ( Algebra, coding theory, Cryptology and Cybersecurity)MACCMaster Degree Program2 yearsBSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2024-10-19
Not Available
PhD in Computer Engineering (Option : Network and Security Engineering)COMEPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates eligible for admission into this programme are graduate with a relevant MSc in computer engineering or computer Science or equivalent degree fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (600,000 CFA) each academic year. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Computer Engineering (Option : Software Engineering).COMEPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates eligible for admission into this programme are graduate with a relevant MSc in computer engineering or computer Science or equivalent degree Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and Tuition (850,000 CFA) each academic year. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Computer Engineering ( Option: Systems Engineering)COMEPhd Degree Program3 yearsCandidates to be admitted for these programs should be those graduating from relevant MSc in Computer Engineering or Computer Science or equivalent degrees. Registration fees (50,000) CFA), and TUITION (850,000 CFA) each academic year. 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Electrical and ElectronicEngineeringEEEEPhd Degree Program3 years1. University of Bamenda NAHPI MSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2. University of Bamenda NAHPI MSc. in a field related to Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Remedial Course/Practical Work as determined by the department. 3. MSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or relevant field from institutions other than NAHPI and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work or a combination from the foregoing 4. Postgraduate diploma (DIPET I or DIPET II) in Electronics or Electrotechnics or Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Master of Science (MSc) in a relevant field. FEES: 50,000FRS CFA2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD Mechanical EngineerngMECEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering FEES: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Petroleum EngineeringPETEPhd Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must be holder of M.Sc in Petroleum Engineering FEES: 50,000FRS2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Mining EngineeringMINEPhd Degree Program3 yearsAdmission into the PhD in Mining Engineering program requires an MSc degree in Mining Engineering or any related field. Fees: 50,000frs 2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Cybersecurity and Cryptology ( Applied Cryptology and Cybersecurity)PACCPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in Cybersecurity and Cryptology (Embedded systems security and Cryptology)PESCPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2022-07-28
Not Available
PhD in cybersecurity and Cryptology ( Algebra, coding theory, Cryptology and Cybersecurity)PACCPhd Degree Program3 yearsMSc in Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Network and telecommunications, Computer Engineering or any academic training deemed equivalent. Fees: 50,000 FCFA per year for Cameroon/CEMAC students | 600,000 FCFA for Non-CEMAC students2022-07-28
Not Available
M.Eng. in Computer EngineeringCOMEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Fess: 500,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
M.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1year)MEEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsAdmission into the program is through a study of application files. Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant field: 1. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in a field related to Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Remedial Course/Practical Work as determined by the department. 3. B. Eng. or BSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or relevant field from institutions other than NAHPI/UBa and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work or a combination from the foregoing. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor identified by the applicant, who shall be any person satisfying the UBa Post Graduate School Criteria to supervise graduate students. Fees: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
M.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ( 3Years)MEEEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II in in Electronics or Electrotechnics or Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. The applicants could take remedial courses as determined by the department FEES: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering (1 Year)MECEMaster Degree Program1 years1. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree 2. B. Eng. from other universities and Remedial Course/Project/Industrial Attachment Work as determined by the department upon preliminary admission 3. Any other qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education as equivalent to the University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree Fees: 50,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering (3 years)MECEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II in a relevant discipline. The applicants could take remedial courses as determined by the department. Fees: 500,000FRS2021-10-08
Not Available
M. Eng in Mining and Mineral Engineering (3 years)MINEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II in a relevant discipline. The applicants could take remedial courses as determined by the department. Fees; 500,000frs2021-10-08
Not Available
B.Eng. in Biotechnology and Food Process EngineeringBFPEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsPass in Science subjects at ordinary level and atleast 2 Science subjects at Advanced level2021-01-12
Not Available
Computer EngineeringCOMEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS. 2020-12-03
Not Available
MEng Computer Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)COMEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 500,000FRS 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Computer Engineering (Continuing B.Eng holders)COMEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Computer Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringMECBachelor Degree Program4 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Mechanical EngineeringMECEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS. 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Mechanical Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)MECEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 500,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Mechanical Engineering (Continuing B.Eng holders)MECEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Mechanical Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme Fees 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Civil Engineering and ArchitectureCVLBachelor Degree Program3 years#2020-12-03
Not Available
Civil EngineeringCVLEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS.2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Civil Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)CVLEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 550,000FRS 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Civil Engineering (Continuing B.Eng holders) CVLEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Civil Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Petroleum EngineeringPETEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000Frs. 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Petroleum Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)PETEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 500,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Petroleum Engineering(Continuing B.Eng holders)PEPEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Petroleum Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme. Fees: 50,000FRS2020-12-03
Not Available
Mining and Mineral EngineeringMINEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS. 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Mining and Mineral Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)MINEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 500,000FRS 2020-12-03
Not Available
M.Eng Mining and Mineral Engineering (Continuing B.Eng holders)MINEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Mining and Mineral Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme Fees: 50,000Frs2020-12-03
Not Available
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment MaintenanceE-MEEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS. 0202-10-22
Not Available
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment MaintenanceBMEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsAdmission into the program is through a competitive entrance examination. Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme must meet one of the following set of conditions: 1. GCE Ordinary Level and GCE Advanced Levels with pass grades in Mathematics and Physics at each level. For the competitive entrance examination, where three subjects will be considered for evaluation, an additional pass grade in one of the following will be advantageous: any other Mathematics subject at the GCE Advanced Level (Further Mathematics, Pure Mathematics with Statistics or Pure Mathematics with Mechanics). 2. GCE Technical Ordinary and Technical Advanced Levels in relevant subjects, including a pass mark in English Language at each level 3. Probatoire including a pass mark in English Language and Baccalauréat C, F2, F3, MAV and MISE including a pass mark in English Language. 0202-10-22
Not Available
M.Eng. in Computer Engineering (One year)COMEMaster Degree Program1 yearsIn addition to all other criteria that shall be specified by the Post Graduate School of UBa and Post Graduate Board of NAPHI, applicants for admission must have an undergraduate degree or its equivalent in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related Engineering programs. Candidates with a GPA of at least 2.5 without working experience or a GPA of at least 2.0 with at least 3-year relevant working experience may be considered. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to -be supervisor who shall be any person satisfying the PG School criteria to supervise M.Sc. Thesis. In addition, decisions on eligibility will be taken by the Departmental Post Graduate Committee subject to approval by the NAPHI Post Graduate Board, the UBa Post Graduate School and Senate of The University of Bamenda. Fees: 50,000frs 0001-01-01
Not Available
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEEEEEEEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination: 70%: Study of files: 30% FEES: 50,000FRS 0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Direct Entry Year 3)EEEEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Admission into third year is by study of files only. Fees: 500,000FRS 0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Continuing B.Eng holders)EEEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from NAHPI are automatically admitted in the programme Fees: 50,000FRS0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng. in Civil Engineering (1Year)CEAMaster Degree Program1 yearsAdmission into the program is through a study of application files. Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant field: 1. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in Civil Engineering 2. B. Eng. in Civil Engineering or relevant field from institutions other than NAHPI/UBa and Remedial Work as determined by the department. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor identified by the applicant, who shall be any person satisfying the UBa Post Graduate School Criteria to supervise graduate students. Fees: 50,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng. in Civil Engineering(3 years)CEAMaster Degree Program3 years1. BSc in mathematics and physic, BSc. or B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering or relevant field from s other institution han NAHPI/UBa and Remedial Work as determined by the department. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor identified by the applicant, who shall be any person satisfying the UBa Post Graduate School Criteria to supervise graduate students Fees: 500,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng. in Petroleum Engineering (1 year)PETEMaster Degree Program1 yearsCandidates to be admitted for this program should be holders of at least a second class lower division B.Eng or BSc degree in Petroleum Engineering Fees: 50,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
M.Eng. in Petroleum Engineering (3years)PETEMaster Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chemistry or Geology, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics. The applicants could take remedial courses as determined by the department. Fees: 500,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
M. Eng in Mining and Mineral Engineering (1Year)MINEMaster Degree Program1 yearsAdmission into the M. Eng in Mining and mineral Engineering program requires an undergraduate 4-year degree in Mining and Mineral Engineering (B. Eng in Mining and Mineral Engineering). Fees: 50,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
Conversion MSc Programme in Mining and Mineral Engineerin MINEMaster Degree Program1 yearsAdmission into the one year conversion programme in Mining and mineral Engineering program requires an undergraduate 5-year degree in Mining and Mineral Engineering (M. Eng) in Mining and Mineral Engineering) or any equivalent certificate. Fees: 50,000frs0001-01-01
Not Available
METEOROLOGY (ENGINEERING)METEBachelor Degree Program4 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications: • GCE O/L with pass in Science Subjects and English Language or an English Language Proficiency Test, and GCE A/L with pass in at least two Science Subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Technical GCE O/L with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and Technical GCE A/L with a pass in at least two relevant subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Relevant Probatoire C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, TIC and MISE; with a pass in English Language Proficiency Test, and subsequently a Baccalaureat with a pass in at least two science subjects. A pass in Mathematics at any of the levels is a must! • Any other certificates recognized as equivalent by the Ministry of Higher Education Competitive Entrance Examination, 70%; Study of files 30% Fees: 50,000FRS. 0000-00-00
Not Available
M.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringELEEMaster Degree Program2 yearsAdmission into the program is through a study of application files. Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme must hold one of the following qualifications in a relevant field: 1. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2. University of Bamenda NAHPI B.Eng. degree in a field related to Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Remedial Course/Practical Work as determined by the department. 3. B. Eng. or BSc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or relevant field from institutions other than NAHPI/UBa and Remedial Work as determined by the department. The Remedial Work could be Course Work, Practical Work, Project Work or a combination from the foregoing. 4. Postgraduate diploma (DIPET I or DIPET II) in Electronics or Electrotechnics or Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Bachelor of Science (BSc) in a relevant field. All applications must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the to-be supervisor identified by the applicant, who shall be any person satisfying the UBa Post Graduate School Criteria to supervise graduate students. 0000-00-00
Not Available
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment Maintenance (Direct Entry Year 3)BEMEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, Fess: 500,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
Biotechnology & Food Processing Engineering (Direct Entey Year 3)BFPEBachelor Degree Program3 yearsApplicants must hold one of the following qualifications in relevant discipline: University Diploma of Technology (UDT); or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech); or Professional Bachelor of Engineering; or Bachelor of Science in a relevant discipline, with pass in O/L and/or A/L Mathematics; DIPET I or II. Fess: 500,000frs0000-00-00
Not Available
MEng in Biotechnology and Food Process EngineeringBFPEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering or related field f Fees 50,000FRS0000-00-00
Not Available
M.Eng in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment MaintenanceBMEEMaster Degree Program1 yearsHolders of Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment Maintenance or related field f Fees 50,000FRS0000-00-00
Not Available